"Previously to the poblamiento of the place, Juan Lopez, who is considered the first inhabitant of the city, settled in the sector of White Rock, today known like the Chimba, where the mineral extraction began of precarious way. The 10 of August of 1866 a Treaty of limits between Bolivia and Chile was signed, adding in addition an additional act the 25 to August. In this document one settled down both like limit between countries, parallel 24 of South latitude. Despite the stipulated erritorial division, both governments were committed to distribute by half originating products of the operation of the deposits of guano discovered in Mejillones and of the other deposits of the same installment to discover in the territory between degrees 23 and 25 of southern latitude, as well as the perceived rights of export on minerals extracted in the same territory already mentioned. Of Francisco and 1866 Jose, the 18 September Holy Ossa Puelma obtained the legal awarding of the salitrales land concession, after a request sent to the Bolivian government. After an expedition led by Jose Holy Ossa, Alfredo Ossa and Hermenegildo (that were the guide), the cateador Juan Zuleta discovered rich deposits of saltpeter (nitrate) in the sector of t, to the east of the present Antofagasta. After the finding, Jose Holy Ossa, Francisco Puelma and Manuel Antonio de Lama decided to form an Exploratory Society of the Desert of Atacama. The 19 of March of 1868 the Melbourne Company was constituted Clark, after the integration of Chilean and English interests. Later the company obtained the 5 of September of 1868, an extension of the concession granted by the Bolivian government, this time by 15 years. After the conformation of the company, it quickly began to fill what the Chimba was denominated, in November with 1866 official Plane with the new population and port of Antofagasta, by Jose Holy Prada. After the earthquake of Iquique and Cobija of the 13 of August of 1868, it was necessary to recognize the Chimba like a mining town legally. The 27 of August of 1868, the President of Bolivia Manuel Mariano Melgarejo ordered to the prefect of the Department of the Coast, the official foundation of the Chimba, in the sector delimited by commissioners Hilario Holy Ruíz and Jose Prada [ 1 ]. Thus, the 22 of October of 1868 officially were based the population and the port under the name of the Chimba. Later the city was famous like Antofagasta. The first official plane of the population and port of Antofagasta was designed by Jose Holy Prada, the 14 of September of 1869. In this document, the land of the Melbourne Company was delimited Clark, in addition to 17 apples and one main seat. The 8 of May of 1871, Antofagasta was designated Greater Port, opened to the commerce worldwide. The 25 of January of 1872, after a session directed by Subprefecto of the Department of Mejillones Manuel Buitrago, the Municipality of Antofagasta according to the Bolivian law of Municipalities was based, where the Body of Municipal Agents was satisfied (later famous like Municipal Meeting of Antofagasta), integrated by two Germans, English and six Chileans. Felix Garci'a Videla assumed like President of the Body of Municipal Agents, which was made up of munícipes Francisco Errázuriz, Brown, Rescuing Emeterio Kings, Red Matías, Juan Vargas, Luis Lichenstein, Ernesto Wolchmar Graf Buchheim and Luis Foster. In addition like measurement before the uncontrol to the population, the Police Headquarters was satisfied that was commanded by Domingo Machado, which was in charge to regulate to the Body of Guardians of the Guard of Order and Security. After which Manuel Mariano Melgarejo was overthrown by Agustín Moral the 15 of January of 1871, the Treaty of 1866 limits was put in check by the government of Bolivia, not being recognized by this part, because the division of taxes was disadvantageous to the Bolivians. This conflict was solved later with the Treaty of limits of 1874 between Bolivia and Chile Within its more important points was not burdening during 25 years the Chilean properties. Bolivia reacted delayed to the privileges that the same government granted to the industralists in bordering treaties. Thus, the Constituent Assembly of Bolivia arrived at the resolution to create a tax of 10 cents on exported quintal of Bolivian territory, decision that affected the interests of the Company of Saltpeters and Railroads of Antofagasta. The decision of the assembly was translated directly like a violation to article IV of the Treaty of 1874: The conflict began to tensionar itself, because no of the parts wanted to yield: neither Bolivia wanted to clear the tax, nor Chile to let protest by him. Chile threatened declaring null bordering treaties of 1866 and 1874 if Bolivia applied the tax. Therefore, Chile noticed that it would vindicate for himself the zone between the parallels 23 and 24 that protested before the treaty as his and whose rights had yielded to Bolivia on condition that of the clauses that were being violated. After which Hilarión Daza threatened to Chile the confiscación and finishes off of the facilities of the Company of Saltpeters and Railroads of Antofagasta if the created tax were not paid (besides to threaten the term of the other concessions), the Chilean government reacted making weigh anchor to the White Armored one from the port of Valparaiso, the December of 1878. The Bolivian government interpreted like a provocation that Armored the White amaneciera Encalada in the road of Antofagasta the 26 of December of the same year. The conflict worsened when the Bolivian government decided to finish off the Company of Saltpeters and Railroads of Antofagasta, which refused to pay the tax. The closing of the company was programmed for the 14 of February of 1879. In answer, Chile decided to maintain cast anchor to in the port of Antofagasta. The morning of the 11 of February of 1879, Chilean president Aníbal Pinto in meeting next to its cabinet, made the decision to go to the war. The reception of the telegram sent by the plenipotenciario minister of Bolivia, with the message "Cancellation of the February law, vindication of the salitreras of the company" gatilló the Pinto decision of, who ordered the shipment of the B and the ÓHiggins Corvette course towards Antofagasta, making occupation of this city next to the Wharf of the Company of Saltpeters and Railroads of Antofagasta. This operation was carried out the 14 of February of 1879, when Antofagasta was occupied by Chile, as a result of the disembarkation of Chilean troops in Antofagasta in charge of colonel Emilio Sotomayor. This event is translated like the first Chilean military action of the conflict known like War of the Pacific, because with the occupation they occurred beginning to the combat operations of all the war. The 26 of May of 1879 the First naval action of Antofagasta from the Huáscar Monitor was carried out, while the Chilean troops paid tribute to the lieutenant commander Carlos Condell. The Second naval action of Antofagasta was carried out three days later. Later the Pact of truce between Bolivia and Chile of 1884 was signed, which established that the territory between the Loa river and parallel 23 would be under the administration of Chile, whereas to Bolivia the access would be allowed him the ports of Arica and Antofagasta. Nevertheless, both treaties left subjects pending that were clarified in two later treaties, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Chile and Bolivia in 1904 yTratado_de_Lima of 1929 with Peru. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Chile and Bolivia, subscribed the 20 of October of 1904 and promulgated the 21 of March of 1905, established to perpetuity the borders between Chile and Bolivia. The territory of Antofagasta was definitively within the Chilean borders but in return Chile was committed to construct a railroad that united the cities of Arica and La Paz, and granted to Bolivia the free transit of commerce through Chilean territory. With it, Bolivia definitively recognized the permanent Chilean sovereignty on the territory previously in dispute. Nevertheless, this treaty has been constant origin of diplomatic tensions between both countries during century XX and beginnings of century XXI, because Bolivia lost all sovereignty on the Pacific Ocean. The alluvium of Antofagasta de_1991, registered from the 18 of June of 1991, devastated with great part the city, undermining lands, damaging 2,464 houses and destroying 493 constructions, all this causing material damages that in the occasion calculated approximately in American 70.000.000. The catastrophe left a balance of 92 deads, 16 disappeared and approximately 20,000 4 victims [ ]. Four years later, at dawn of the 30 of 1995 July, an earthquake de_Antofagasta_de_1995 of 7,3 in the Escala_de_Richter Scale and with an intensity between VII to VIII in the Scale of Mercalli was registered in the city. The hurt dead event approximately left a one hundred and three balance fatal, and structural damages that were slight for the magnitude of the event."