Talk:Anti-Pakistani sentiment/Comments

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This article does not talk much about the anti-pakistan sentiment in India... It talks about Bangladesh and Afghanistan where this sentiment is minimal and small. It is also known that many Indians from the majority religious group have a long-standing hatred for Pakistan and have always hated that they have lost a large chunk of their land! The constant blame on Pakistan for being responsible for terrorist activities in India proves this... Also check out any Pakistani defence site and you will find the Pakistanis and Indians arguing not the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis or Pakistanis and Afghanis! There should be much more about the Anti-Pakistani sentiment in India as India comes first and if a list were to be made of largest population of people that hate Pakistan India would definately be first! Having been to India 4 times and having a father from India I know it!

Also there is increasing Pakistano-phobia in the west due to terrorism and intolerance because of their religion! For example 2 Pakistanis were killed in New York recently just for being muslims! This is common in Europe and England is especially gaining a name in this matter with the Pakistani community! Something should be mentioned about this!