Category talk:Antimatter

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I think anti-matter is in the proton. Where's the anti-matter? they ask. I believe electron/anti-electron (positron) pairs are created inside quasars. Energy is added to the positron which converts it into a proton, then it is expelled from the quasar in the form of plazma in "jets". This turns into hydrogen, which condences into stars, which turns into everything else.

Inside supernova stars the center gets so hot that electrons are converted into anti-protons, which anihalate with protons. This relaeses heat which converts more electrons into anti-protons. Which anihalate with more proitons. Which sets up a supercritical chain reaction which cannot stop until the star has blown itself to pieces. This is the same thing that is going on inside the quasars to create matter from energy except opposite.

The reason a nutron star is left over after the explosion of a supernova is because nutrons are not involved in the reaction. If they were, they'd be consumed also, and there'd be nothing but a vacuum left after the explosion. Which is not the case.

Particle excellerator scientists should stop building more and more powerful accellerators or (assuming my theory is correct) they will set up this chain reaction here on the earth, which would destroy the earth (and kill all of us). They should take their experiments out into outer space away from any large or small body of matter, so that if they set up this chain reaction it will cool below the critical temperature before reaching us and shut down. So we will be safe. Any matter touching the accellerator when it goes off will be ignigted also and destroyed (burned up).

This is a very frightful theory, because a terrorist with the resources of say Saddam Housein (when he was in power) could make a dooms day bomb, and hold the whole world hostage. What should I do with a theory like this that has "popped" into my head? If I do nothing and my theory is correct, then these stupid particle accellerator physists will continue to build more and more powerful particle accellerators and will set up this chain reaction here on the earth and "accidentally" kill us all. But if I say something then terrorists may purposly make one as a bomb to hold us all hostage and make "who knows what" demmands on us. It's a catch 22 if you ask me. So far nobody believes me. Everybody treats me, and my theory, with great disdain. But who can prove me wrong?

 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:54, 23 November 2007 (UTC)