Antonio Nibby

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Antonio Nibby
Antonio Nibby

Antonio Nibby (Rome 1792-1839) Italian archaeologist.

Nibby was a critic of the history of ancient art and from 1812 in service to the Vatican worked to excavate the monuments of Rome. He also served as a secretary to Louis Napoleon, Comte de Saint-Leu. He was a professor of the archaeology in the University of Rome and in Academy of France. For a few years Nibby worked together with the British archaeologist William Gell and together they published a study on the walls of Rome in 1820. They had plans of publishing a study on the topography of the Roman Campagna, but they ended up publishing separately.

Nibby excavated in the area of the Forum Romanum from 1827, and cleared the Cloaca Maxima in 1829.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Viaggio antiquatio nei dintorni di Roma (1819)
  • Che contiene il viaggio a Frascati, Tusculo, Algido, Grottoferrato, alle valle Ferentina, al lago Albano, ad Alba, Aricia, Nemi, Lanavio, Cora, Anzio, Lacinio, Ardea, Ostia, Laurentia e Porto. (Rome, 1819).
  • Le Mura di Roma disegnate da Sir W. Gell, illustrate con testo note da A. Nibby (Rome, 1820)
  • Il tempio della Fortuna Prenestina ristaurato da Costantino Thon (Rome, 1825).
  • Itinerario di Roma e delle sue vicinanze / compilato da Antonio Nibby secondo il methodo del Vasi (Rome, 1830).
  • Analisi storico-topografico-antiquaria della carta de' Dintorni di Roma (Rome)
  • A map of the Rome's surroundings with the comments and an historical /topographical analysis of ancient Rome (1827).
  • Rome of 1838