Antonio Nariño

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Antonio Nariño
Antonio Nariño

The Precursor

Governor President of the State of Cundinamarca and Viceregent of the King's Person
In office
September 21, 1811 – August 19, 1812
Monarch Ferdinand VII
Preceded by José Tadeo Lozano
Succeeded by Manuel Benito de Castro

Governor President of the State of Cundinamarca and Vicegerent of the King's Person
In office
September 12, 1812 – September 19, 1813
Monarch Ferdinand VII
Preceded by Manuel Benito de Castro
Succeeded by Himself *

Governor President of the State of Cundinamarca
In office
September 19, 1813 – May 14, 1814
Preceded by Manuel Benito de Castro
Succeeded by Manuel de Bernardo Álvarez del Casal

Vice President of the Republic of Colombia
In office
April 4, 1821 – June 6, 1821
President Simón Bolívar

Born April 9, 1765
Bogotá, Cundinamarca
Died December 13, 1823
Villa de Leyva, Boyacá
Political party Centralist
Spouse Magdalena Ortega y Mesa
Religion Roman Catholic
*Cundinamarca abolished its monarchy, and the president no longer served as the Vicegerent of the King's Person.


Antonio Nariño was an ideological precursor and one of the early political and military leaders of the independence movement in Colombia, then known as New Granada. Nariño was born in Santa Fé de Bogotá in 1765 and died in Villa de Leyva in 1823.


[edit] Early political activity

In 1794 he translated the "Declaration of the Rights of Man" from its original French. For this he was imprisoned ten years by the Spanish authorities. Nariño had previously worked as a tax collector ("Recaudador de diezmos") and was also accused of fraud resulting from this activity.

In 1796 he escaped from the Spanish prison in Cádiz and went into hiding in England and France. There he lobbied for support in favor of Latin American independence from Spain.

Some of his detractors claimed that he was persecuted due to his failure to come up with certain funds he had access to as a tax collector, and not necessarily due to political motives. In light of this charge, they argued that he escaped and promoted revolution to be able to safely return to New Granada.

Upon his return to Colombia he was jailed again and sent to Cartagena, but was set free after the events of July 20, the beginning of the independence movement. He founded the political newspaper La Bagatela in 1811. That same year he was selected president of the State of Cundinamarca.

Recognized as the commander of the centralist republican forces in New Granada, he fought several battles against the federalists organized around the city of Cartagena.

[edit] Southern campaign

In July 1813, General Nariño began an intensive military campaign against the Spanish and Royalist forces in the south, intending to reach Pasto and eventually Quito.

Nariño's forces, known as the Army of the South, numbering 1500 to 2000 men, managed to capture Popayán in January 1814 after defeating the Royalist forces in the area in a series of initially successful battles.

After stopping to reorganize the city's government and his own forces, he pressed on towards Pasto. Historians have speculated that, had he not stopped at Popayán but actually decisively pursued the fleeing Royalist army, he might have been able to successfully capture a relatively undefended Pasto.

As things happened, the constant raids of Royalist guerrillas, the harshness of the terrain, the lack of promised reinforcements from Antioquia, and the delays in bringing up his army's artillery contributed to weakening the morale of many of the troops under his command, when they had practically reached the gates of Pasto.

After being wounded during combat, a false rumor of his death was spread, and most of the remaining soldiers scattered, only some 400 returning back to Popayán. Nariño, left practically alone in the battlefield, attempted to hide, but surrendered himself when Royalist scouts found him. He was taken into Pasto in May 1814, and then sent to the Royal prison at Cádiz via Quito.

[edit] Later years

Nariño was freed in 1821 after the revolt of Rafael del Riego, and returned to his country, now independent from Spain after the republican victory at the Battle of Boyacá.

Nariño was one of the candidates for the presidency of Gran Colombia in 1821, where he lost to Simón Bolívar by the significant margin of 50 to 6 votes in the Congress held at Cúcuta, finishing second. He also lost the election for vicepresident, as Francisco de Paula Santander eventually defeated him by a 38 to 19 vote margin after several heated rounds of voting.

[edit] References

[edit] Bibliography

  • Blossom, Thomas. Nariño: Hero of Colombian Independence. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1967.