Antonio Chacón

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Antonio Chacón (b. 1869 in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz- d. 1929 in Madrid) was a Spanish flamenco singer.

Chacón began earning a living by performing flamenco around 1884. He toured Andalucia with his brother, a dancer, and guitarist Javier Molina. He was later hired by Silverio Franconetti for his café in Seville. He was noted for his skill in singing the cartagenera, malagueñas, granaína and media granaína, which earned him the popular title of "Don". According to Fernando el de Triana, he was so accomplished that all of the most successful cantaores (singers) performing with him renounced their right of seniority and allowed Chacón to perform last, because the audience would simply leave when he finished. Had they not preceded him, they would have been performing to an empty hall. He performed with many of the greatest performers of his era. The great guitarist, Sabicas, was his accompanist early in the latter's career.

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