Anton Maria Maragliano

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Anton Maria Maragliano (Genoa 1664-1739) was an Italian sculptor of the Baroque period, known primarily for his wooden statues, active mainly in his natal city of Genoa, where had renowned workshop.

He is called also Maraggiano by some ancient authors.

He renewed the art of wood, as simultaneously did Filippo Parodi in marble sculpture and Domenico Piola in painting and implementing an effective compromise between inspired and popular art.

In his workshop a lot of typical sculpures were produced, representing Madonnas, figures of saints and narrative scenes from the Bible, now preserved in many churches and sactuaries throughout Liguria (mainly in Genoa, Rapallo, Chiavari, Celle Ligure, Savona) and also in Spain.

For the Casacce (the Genoese confraternities) he produced also statues and crucifixes to be carried in processions on feast days.

[edit] Works

  • His famous works are: St. Francis's Ecstasy in the Church of Padre Santo (St. Francesco Maria da Camporosso) in Genoa,Vision of St. Paschal Baylon in the church of Santissima Annunziata del Vastato in Genoa, procession statue of St. Anthony Abbot and St. Paul Hermit, preserved in the church of St. Anthony Abbot (Mele - Genoa), St. Michael Archangel in the Oratory of San Michele (Celle Ligure) and some figures of the crib set permanently at the Sanctuary of Madonnetta, in Genoa.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Comune di Bormida: Monumenti (Italian). Comunità Montana Alta Valbormida.

[edit] References