Anti-nuclear movement in California

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Anti-nuclear movement

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United States
List of groups

The 1970s proved to be a pivotal period for the anti-nuclear movement in California. The climate between nuclear power advocates and environmentalists was confrontational.[1]


[edit] Early conflicts

The birth of the anti-nuclear movement in California can be traced to controversy over Pacific Gas & Electric's attempt to build the nation's first commercially viable nuclear power plant in Bodega Bay. This conflict began in 1958 and ended in 1964, with the forced abandonment of these plans. Attempts to build a nuclear power plant in Malibu were similar to those at Bodega Bay and had the same fate.[2]

[edit] Into the seventies

The anti-nuclear movement grew in California between 1964 and 1974. It was during this period that some scientists and engineers began supporting the positions of the activists. They were influenced by the non-material philosophy that had inspired activists and had impacted the public consciousness.[2] While Californian voters failed to pass a 1972 proposal placing a 5-year moratorium on nuclear plant construction, anti-nuclear groups campaigned to stop construction of several proposed plants in the seventies, especially those located on the coast and near fault lines. These proposals included the Sundesert Nuclear Power Plant, which was never built.[1][3]

In this period there were also controversies within the Sierra Club about how to lead the anti-nuclear movement, and this led to a split over the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, which ended in victory for the utilities. The split led to the formation of Friends of the Earth, led by David Brower.[2]

[edit] Nuclear-free communities

One of a set of two billboards in Davis, California advertising its nuclear-free policy
One of a set of two billboards in Davis, California advertising its nuclear-free policy
The second billboard corresponding to the one at left
The second billboard corresponding to the one at left

On November 14th 1984 the Davis, California City Council declared the city to be a nuclear free zone.[4] Another well-known nuclear-free community is Berkeley, California, whose citizens passed the Nuclear Free Berkeley Act in 1986 which allows the city to levy fines for nuclear weapons-related activity and to boycott companies involved in the United States nuclear infrastructure.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b San Diego Gas & Electric, Sundesert Nuclear Power Plant Collection
  2. ^ a b c Critical Masses: Opposition to Nuclear Power in California, 1958-1978
  3. ^ August S. Carstens Collection
  4. ^ Nuclear Free Zone

[edit] External links