Anthem of the Estonian SSR

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Flag of the Estonian SSR
Flag of the Estonian SSR

The State Anthem of the Estonian SSR (Estonian: Eesti Nõukogude Sotsialistliku Vabariigi riigihümn) was the national anthem of Estonia during the period it was a Soviet republic.


[edit] Background

The music was composed by Gustav Ernesaks, and the lyrics were written by Johannes Semper. It and the Karelo-Finnish SSR anthem were the only ones not to mention the Russian people. On 21 July 1956, the third stanza of the lyrics was changed to remove mentions of Joseph Stalin. This is the version presented here.

[edit] Estonian lyrics

Jää kestma, Kalevite kange rahvas,
ja seisa kaljuna, me kodumaa!
Ei vaibund kannatustes sinu vahvus,
end läbi sajanditest murdsid sa
ja tõusid õitsvaks sotsialismimaaks,
et päikene su päevadesse paista saaks.
Nüüd huuga, tehas, vili, nurmel vooga,
sirp, lõika, alasile, haamer, löö!
Nõukogu elu, tuksu võimsa hooga,
too õnne rahvale, me tubli töö!
Me Liidu rahvaste ja riike seas
sa, Eesti, sammu esimeste kindlas reas!
Sa kõrgel leninlikku lippu kannad
ja julgelt kommunismi rada käid.
Partei me sammudele suuna annab
ja võidult võitudele viib ta meid.
Ta kindlal juhtimisel kasva sa
ja tugevaks ning kauniks saa, me kodumaa!

[edit] Russian lyrics

Живи, сын Калева - народ наш славный,
И стой, отчизна наша, как скала.
Сквозь все страдания веков бесправных
Отвагу ты и доблесть пронесла.
И вот зажгла социализма свет,
Воспрянула в цвету для счастья и побед.
Могучим колосом цветите нивы!
Жни, серп, и, молот, бей, гуди, завод!
В стране советской каждый будь счастливым -
Упорный труд нам счастье принесёт.
В союзе братском пред тобой простор -
Эстония, шагай в строю своих сестёр!
Ты знамя Ленина несёшь святое,
Дорогой славною идёшь вперёд.
Родная партия всегда с тобою -
Путём побед она тебя ведёт.
Расти, отчизна, на пути большом,
Прекрасней и сильней будь с каждым новым днём!

[edit] English translation of the Russian words

Endure, the brave people of Kalev
And stand as a rock, our homeland!
Your courage did not subside in the sufferings,
You broke yourself through the centuries,
And arose a socialist country in blossom,
For sun could shine in your days.
Oh cornfields, grow mighty ears!
Reap, sickle, and beat out, hammer, hoot, factory!
May everybody be happy in the soviet country –
Persistent labor will bring happiness to us.
There is a scope for you in the fraternal union –
Estonia, step in order with your sisters.
You're bearing the sacred Lenin's banner,
You're going forward your glorious way.
Our own party is always with you –
It leads you the way of victories.
Grow, Motherland, on the great way,
Every day become more beautiful and stronger.

[edit] External links