User talk:AnotherDoth

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[edit] Test collapsable table

[edit] Title Anagram

The fairy on page 2 sits next to a list of numbers. If you use these numbers to pull out letters from the book's full title you reveal a hidden message: SECRETS OF MICHAEL STADTHER.

[edit] Poem on the Letter Blocks

The letter blocks as images within the text of the book include lines of a poem. The poem describes the general rules for the treasure hunt. Source: Hunt Forum. The two letters on each block also anagram to "Secrets of the Alchemist Dar" or "Secrets of Michael Stadther".

Each letter block contains:

1A few believe this should be read as "lesson" instead of "less on".
2Some people add in a "be" here.

[edit] Morse Code Clues

Hidden Morse code within the images appears to include more hints for the treasure hunt. Source: Hunt Forum

Handy Morse code Reference
A ·- B -··· C -·-· D -·· E ·
F ··-· G --· H ···· I .. J ·---
K -·- L ·-·· M -- N O ---
P ·--· Q --·- R ._. S ··· T -
U ··- V ···- W ·-- X -··- Y -·-- Z --··
  • Pg 3 (Title Page) Dandelions and Clovers - WELL BEGUN IS HALF DONE*
  • Pg 26 Dandelions vertical and Dandelions horizontal - SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND
  • Pg 47 Dandelions vertical and Dandelions horizontal - AVOID RING HERDERS which anagrams to AVOID RED HERRINGS
  • Pg 48 Dark green leaves outside ring of the wreaths and inside - YOU CANT GET THERE FROM HERE
  • Pg 80 Flowers and Leaves - A GOOD BEGINNING MAKES A GOOD ENDING*

*Pg 3 actually decodes to WELL BEGUN IS HAFF DONE and Pg 80 to A GOOD BEGINNINW MAKES A GOOD ENDING, but whether these 'errors' mean anything or are just the authors own style is not known. There were similar 'exceptions' throughout ATT.

[edit] Quinary in the Book of Spells

The page numbers for the Book of Spells are in a pictograph version of Quinary or base 5 numbering.

  • 0 = A white sun -
  • 1 = A black sun -
  • 2 = A left facing black moon - Left Crescent
  • 3 = A right facing black moon - Right Crescent
  • 4 = A left facing white moon - Moon

[edit] Red Hare Rings

The quinary code also appears in groups of symbols on the background of most pages of the Book of Spells alongside direction triangles and rings and red hares. For example, the following symbols are on page three:

  • ●●○ ●○○ Left Crescent○● Left CrescentLeft Crescent triangle and
  • Right Crescent●● Left Empty CrescentLeft Empty CrescentLeft CrescentRight CrescentRight Crescent triangle red-hare-ring.

These can be decoded to the following quinary numbers:

  • 110 100 201 22 triangle and
  • 311 44 123 130 triangle red-hare-ring.

Translating from quinary to decimal numbers yields:

  • 30 25 51 12 triangle and
  • 81 24 38 40 triangle red-hare-ring.

The decimal numbers are decimal degree coordinates which are Geographic coordinate system coordinates for:

  • 30 degrees 25 minutes 51.12 seconds north latitude, and
  • 81 degrees 24 minutes 38.40 seconds west longitude.

Which is a coordinate for Little Talbot State Park in Florida. Note that the triangles indicate direction (North/South or East/West) of the lat/long pair. Note that coordinates in the United States are west longitude, which is indicated as a negative number (i.e. 81 west = -81). The remaining coordinates locate similar points of interest.

Much early comment was made on whether these 20 locations should be ignored or not because they are tagged with red-hare-rings (or red herrings). Some trovers have researched the locations, in some cases throwing up possible thematic links. Since then the author has repeatedly stated that the hunt can be solved without leaving your home.

[edit] Constellations in BOS

The Book of Spells includes black spots on each page which appear to be constellations.

1Some trovers favour Lyra constellation

[edit] Swirl Picture

On the inside cover of the "Book of Spells" is a swirly picture. This picture looks to have been made by taking the illustration of the doth on the inside cover of the main book and graphically manipulating it using many swirling processes.

[edit] In Touch Clue

The Feb 5th edition of In Touch Magazine contained a new clue. On a spell type page a ring of black marks surround ambigrams of the words SUN and MOON. Hidden within the marks is the message: YOU DONT HAVE TO LEAVE HOME

Column 1 Column 2