Another Choice for Black Children Adoption Agency
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Another Choice for Black Children is a Charlotte-based adoption agency that works to find homes for African-American children and other children with special needs and the first such agency in North Carolina. [1] The agency recently opened an office in Raleigh, North Carolina. [2]
Children placed by the agency are often ones who believed they would never have a home, sometimes because they are older or part of a sibling group. Since its 1995 launch, Another Choice has continued to grow, expanding not only its offices and staff, but its programs. Initiatives to improve placement of teenagers and involve men in foster care and adoptive parent recruitment represent just two of the agency's efforts to find loving homes for children in need.
[edit] Grants and funding
The Duke Endowment has awarded the agency a grant to bolster its foster care component. [3] In September 2002, Another Choice was awarded a grant from the federal government to implement its Men Embracing Children Collectively through Adoption (MECCA) program. In September 2003, the agency was awarded the Real Families for Real Children grant from the federal government to recruit rural adoptive and foster parents. In 2004, the agency was among the first to receive funding from the North Carolina Division of Social Services. [4]