Anotato Symvoulio Epilogis Prosopikou

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Anótato Symvoúlio Epilogís Prosopikoú (A.S.E.P.) (Greek: Ανώτατο Συμβούλιο Επιλογής Προσωπικού, Α.Σ.Ε.Π.), is the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection in Greece. It works as an independent commission and is not subject to government control.

[edit] Organizational structure

ASEP is composed of the following:

  • Chairman
  • 2 vice presidents
  • 21 advisers

Individuals selected to become ASEP members are usually those who work in the following positions:

  • members of the high judiciary
  • employees or heads of the government's main departments
  • employees, professors, or assistant professors of higher education institutions
  • heads of public entities and other legal persons of the public sector

[edit] Roles

ASEP exclusively performs the following tasks

  • Selection of permanent personnel for the public sector.
  • Control of institutions in the public sector that choose permanent and seasonal personnel
  • Conduct of written competition for the teachers

[edit] External links