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Anomoepus gracillimus is the name assigned to footprints in the Late Triassic beds of the Connecticut River Valley, Massachusetts, USA in 1802. All four feet have left impressions. The smaller forefeet have five toes, whereas the larger hind feet have three toes. There is also an impression which might indicate where the creature rested. They were discovered, amongst others, by a farm boy, Pliny Moody. E.B. Hitchcock, a clergyman, described the Anoemopus footprints and others as evidence of ancient birds. They have since been identified as belonging to a dinosaur, probably an ornithopod, as indicated by the number of toes and the absence of claws on the rear digits. Trackways assigned to Anoemopus from Western Australia have also been described. Anomoepus is not considered diagnostic, that is, it is the name of the footprint, not of the dinosaur, the identity of which remains unknown.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

Edwin H. Colbert, Dinosaurs, Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, 1962, p.188