Anode ray

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Canal ray tube schematic showing the rays to the right of the perforated cathode
Canal ray tube schematic showing the rays to the right of the perforated cathode

Anode rays (or Canal rays) were observed in experiments by a German scientist, Eugen Goldstein, in 1886. Goldstein used a gas discharge tube which had a perforated cathode. A "ray" is produced in the holes (canals) in the cathode and travels in a direction opposite to the "cathode rays," which are streams of electrons. Goldstein called these positive rays "Kanalstrahlen" - canal rays because it looks like they are passing through a canal. In 1907 a study of how this "ray" was deflected in a magnetic field, revealed that the particles making up the ray were not all the same mass. The lightest, formed when there was a little hydrogen in the tube, was calculated to be 1837 times as massive as an electron. They were protons.

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