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Hi. My name is James.

I am 24 years old. I am currently working on a farm.

I have a 2yr diploma in Computer Engineering Technology from Red River College. While at RRC I was very involved with the RRC IEEE Student Branch. I served as Vice Chair for one year, and Treasurer for part of another. I also started to take a diploma program in Business Administration but stopped due to problems obtaining the 2nd half of my student loan.

At some point in the distant past I attented the University of Manitoba's faculty of Engineering, but made a wise decision to leave after the first year.

Although I don't consider myself a programmer I have made a few very minor contributions to open source projects. I once patched a FreeBSD driver for a VIA network card -- unfortunately the folks at VIA were too braindead to use the patch to fix the broken driver that they were letting everyone download off their website (and distributing on their driver CDs). Fortunately the FreeBSD project had already fixed their version of the driver (apparently the VIA version was a ripoff of the FreeBSD version anyway).

I also helped improve the User Interface and overall flow of the BSD Installer.

Both of these were of course silly small contributions.

I can be contacted at: jfrazer(AT), or jstrawberry09(AT) My AIM username is: lykostheos