
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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 // Funktionen im Quickbar (monobook.js)
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 // Modul: admin.js
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  * ab hier wird der Quickbar (der Kasten oben links) zusammengebaut
  * zuerst die allgemeinen Variablen (hier bitte nix ändern!)
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  * Quickbar-Zusammenbau, Teil 1:
  * zuerst die Reihenfolge der einzelnen Abschnitte:
 function buildQuickbar() {
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  * Quickbar-Zusammenbau, Teil 2:
  * die Belegung der einzelnen Abschnitte
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  * hier wird der Quickbar in die Seite geschrieben
  * (ab hier bitte nichts ändern)
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    case 0 : xxx=xxx+lurl;break;
    case 1 : xxx=xxx+'<a href="'+lurl+'" target="'+targt+'" title="'+title+'">'+linktext+'</a>&nbsp; ';break;
    case 2 : xxx=xxx+'<a href="#" onclick="newtext('+ lurl +')" title="'+title+'">'+linktext+'</a>&nbsp; ';break;  	
    case 3 : xxx=xxx+'<a href="#" onclick="insertTagsWrapper('+ lurl +')" title="'+title+'">'+linktext+'</a>&nbsp; ';break;  	   
    case 4 : xxx=xxx+'<a href="#" onclick="'+ lurl +'" title="'+title+'">'+linktext+'</a>&nbsp; ';break;  	   
  } //if
  else //todo: Hilfe bei Dropdowns. Benutzt die überhaupt jemand????
   var ltext='__________'.substr(1,ind)+linktext;
   switch (was) {
    case 0 : if (lurl==br) {xxx=xxx+'<option>'+linktext+'</option>';ind=2;} 
             if (lurl==trenner) newdropdown(linktext);
    case 1 : xxx=xxx+'<option value="1|'+lurl+'">'+ltext+'</option>';break;
    case 2 : xxx=xxx+'<option value="2|'+scrptn+'">'+ltext+'</option>';
             scrpt=scrpt+'case '+scrptn+':newtext('+lurl+');break;';scrptn++;break;    
    case 3 : xxx=xxx+'<option value="3|'+scrptn+'">'+ltext+'</option>';    
             scrpt=scrpt+'case '+scrptn+':insertTagsWrapper('+lurl+');break;';scrptn++;break;                     
    case 4 : xxx=xxx+'<option value="4|'+scrptn+'">'+ltext+'</option>';
             scrpt=scrpt+'case '+scrptn+':'+lurl+';break;';scrptn++;break;    
   } //switch	  	
  } //else	
 } //w
 function isEven(myNumber) {
    return (myNumber % 2 == 0);
 function isOdd(myNumber) {
    return (! isEven(myNumber));
  function isAdmin() {
   var specialrights = false;
   if (typeof wgUserGroups != 'object') return(specialrights);
   if (typeof wgUserGroups[0] != 'string') return(specialrights); 
   for (i=0;i<wgUserGroups.length;i++) {
       if (wgUserGroups[i] == "sysop") specialrights = true;
 function importJavascriptL(page, lang)
    try {
        /* check the parameters and set defaults */
        if(!page) throw("importJavascriptL: Missing parameter page.");
        if(!lang) lang = wgContentLanguage;
        /* create import url */
        var import_url = 'http://' + lang + '' + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=User:' + page +
        /* import page */
        var Head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
        var Script = document.createElement('script');
        Script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
        Script.setAttribute('src', import_url);
        Script.setAttribute('charset', 'utf-8');
        return true;
    } catch(e) {
        return false;
 function decodeadminreasons(adminreasons) { // DerHexer
   var adminreason = adminreasons.split('; ');
   for (i=0; i < adminreason.length; i++) {
     var adminreasoncount = adminreason[i].split("||");
     switch(adminreasoncount.length) {
       case 1 : w (4,"deleting('" + adminreasoncount[0] + "');","" + adminreasoncount[0] + ""); break;
       case 2 : w (4,"deleting('" + adminreasoncount[0] + "');","" + adminreasoncount[1] + ""); break;
       case 3 : w (4,"blocking('" + adminreasoncount[0] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[1] + "');","" + adminreasoncount[2] + ""); break;
       case 4 : w (4,"protecting('" + adminreasoncount[0] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[1] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[2] + "');","" + adminreasoncount[3] + ""); break;
       case 5 : w (4,"protecting('" + adminreasoncount[0] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[1] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[2] + "', '" + adminreasoncount[3] + "');","" + adminreasoncount[4] + ""); break;
 // ***** FOOT-Block *****
 if (adminflag && (delreason || blockreason || protectreason) && wgUserName == 'Animum') 
    importJavascriptL('Animum/derhexeradmin','en'); // [[User:Animum/derhexeradmin.js]]
// </nowiki></pre>