Anicuns Microregion

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The Anicuns Microregion
The Anicuns Microregion

The Anicuns Microregion is a geographical division in the state of Goiás, Brazil. It is made up of 13 municipalities located near Anicuns, a small city and municipality west of Goiânia. For a map see citybrazil

[edit] Important Data

  • Population: 100, 759 inhabitants (2007)
  • Cities: 13
  • Total Area: 5,483.0 km²
  • Population Density: 18.37 inhab/km² (2007)
Name Population
Adelândia 2,510
Americano do Brasil 4,698
Anicuns 17,705
Aurilândia 3,719
Avelinópolis 2,375
Buriti de Goiás 2,238
Firminópolis 10,286
Mossâmedes 4.954
Nazário 7,223
Sanclerlândia 7,647
Santa Bárbara de Goiás 5,658
São Luís de Montes Belos 26,784
Turvânia 4,962

Population figures are from 2007 and are from Sepin

[edit] List of Micro-regions in Goiás

[edit] See also