User talk:Angelic Wrath

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Double digit IQ and a triple digit income? Come up with that by yourself?

A 20 year-old with a fantasy-like username comes at me with the most pathetic attempts at verbal jabs. Enjoy your life as a yes-man (making no more than 30k) to some corporate powerhouse while my six-figures (yes six) please me mightily. Yet, right now you are probably at home playing your latest Nintendo contraption, while during the day attending the local community college in preparation for a rut of a job. And I think they called a certain IQ of 135 mentally Gifted right? Maybe I am wrong and therefore as mentally challenged as you depicted me with the phrase "double digit IQ." Thank you for your time to address my post. It's great to feel loved. I'll do one better. It's great to be loved even by someone firmly taking advantage of the Gay Marriage Law of your fine state of Massachusetts (Which, although your home state, you seem unable to spell correctly on your main user page. But of course it is I with the low intelligence.)

"have the balls to write under your own name" ~It is unfortunate we have such poor slang in society. I meant to clarify that you will indeed not make over 30k per year during your life. And to pick at my statement of a 20 year old: be thankful someone regarded you at an age relative to your actual one. Personally, I believe many others would assume you a preteen based on your username. You may not believe my claim of a six-figure salary, and personally I really do not care. Well, I'd have to say I am deeply hurt that your IQ is rated, what, a few points higher? And it's wonderful you grew up in an afluent area. It is a shame that you may have been pampered and shielded from the struggles of the real world, but I cannot confirm that. As for lawyers within your family, I personally dispise the legal system to date (although my uncle is a very accomplished attorney), yet it's a successful career. You have much to learn and plenty of time to do so. Hopefully, within a few years, you will learn the idea of respectful criticism and not look to verbally attack strangers who had no intention of disrespecting you, initially. Good Day.