
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't edit this page. Use my talk page.
Annex Canada, make our flag look cooler!

Current Wikistress:

Terror Alert Level: Green!


I hereby award myself this PrankStar for my clever pranking of stiffly stifferson Inter's user page.

This page has been vandalised:



I look like a fool!

[edit] About Me

Друг често срещан подход е свързан с произхода на картофа: „чужда грудка“, „батавска грудка“ на японски, от Батавия (сега Джакарта) на остров Ява. На чешки език картофите се наричат „brambory“ от името на немския град Бранденбург. В Бразилия се използва името „batata“, но пълното наименование е „batata inglesa“ (английски картоф). В САЩ хората все още понякога говорят за „ирландски картоф“ (Irish potato), което показва източника, от който са въведени картофите в британските североамерикански колонии. Наименованието „ирландски картоф“ улеснява разграничението от сладкия картоф, но пък сладкият картоф често е наричан в САЩ ям, което от своя страна е съвсем различна култура

I am Geoff Greer (born March 17, 1985), though online I use the alias AngryParsley or radiolissom. My current Wikipediholic score is 87.

I am an American, although I was born in the United Kingdom. I've also lived in Alabama, Guam, Washington and currently New York.

I usually hang out on #wikipedia on Freenode. I'm on other IRC networks (such as 2600net, DALnet, EFnet, and JustIRC), but not as often.

PS: I enjoy fine wines, and bragging about them

[edit] To-do List

1. Edit my vandalism counter. ;)

Most of what I do is correcting minor spelling and grammar errors that I find in random articles. I'm too lazy to actually add information to anything. Oh well, I hear Wikipedia needs more editors.

[edit] Useful Links

[edit] Useless Links

[edit] Crazy Wikipedians

Crazy Wikipedians is a list of the results of an online personality disorder test. It's completely unscientific, but funny to see how crazy you are. If you want me to add your results to the list, talk to me on #wikipedia.

[edit] Vandalism

This page has been vandalized twelve times, but it was all in good fun. Some day I'll get off my ass and make some cool counter. If you vandalize my user page, please increment this counter.

I have dropped less than three lawn mowers off a cliff, but it was an accident. Some day I'll get off my ass and get a job that pays bigger bucks. If you drop a mower off a cliff, please increment this counter.

[edit] Etc

Here are vector traces made by me. I'll make some useful stuff with them eventually.

And since I grabbed the original layout of this page from User:Nadavspi, I'm guilty of treason.

Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the GFDL and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.


Jimbo the Pirate is awesome and if you disagree I will eat you.
