Angus Phelps

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Angus Phelps
Shortland Street character
First appearance 2007
Last appearance present
Portrayed by Elliot Christensen-Yule
Gender Male
Occupation Student

Angus Phelps is a fictional character on the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street.

Angus attends Ferndale High School and has Tourette's syndrome.He is friends with Sophie and Hunter McKay and is in love with Sophie. However on occasions he has called her a skank and a barbie. Confirming his allegations, Sophie kissed him on her birthday and they ended up going on a date.

Angus cherishes a longstanding ambition to become a lawyer and Prime Minister (presumably of New Zealand). This frequently features when he is (comically) scripted to make conversation - and inevitably results in an extended uncomfortable silence as the cast members present (along with the audience) imagine Angus stuttering his way through an obscenity laden speech in Parliament, before reaching the conclusion that in all his inarticulacy and abusiveness he will probably fit in quite well.

In one memorable episode, Angus took his new squeeze Sophie to a group gettogether of dubiously cool friends. "Affirmative" - as a kind of catchphrase - featured heavily among a limited array of stuttered, nasal quips. Sophie left, humiliated, by her severely inferior intellect. The audience snickered.

On the 8th of February Justine asked Sophie when Angus was coming back. Sophie replied with "don't know don't care" meaning their relationship is probably over, or she has limited recall of his existence. (For explanation see above). Angus is due to return from America on March 13, 2008. Upon his return, the Ferndale Community may learn that it was in fact he, and not Joey Henderson, who had committed the various misgynistic stranglings inspired to boost ratings.

This however is unlikely, due to the extensive evidence, and confessions, that Joey is the one with the penchant for the rubber noose.

Contrary to popular opinion, Elliot Christensen-Yule does not have Tourette's syndrome.