Angoulême International Comics Festival Media award

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This media award was presented at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. It was given by different media over the years, with sometimes different awards in one year. From 2004 on, these awards are still presented at the time of the festival, but are no longer part of the official awards presented by the festival itself, and thus are excluded from this list. Nominations are given beneath the winner, with indentation and without bold typeface.

[edit] 1980s

[edit] 1990s

  • (1990: no award in this category)
  • 1991: Press prize: Les lumières de L’Amalou by Christophe Gibelin and Claire Wendling
  • 1991: France Info award: Le chemin de l’Amérique by Baru, Thévenet and Ledran, L'Écho des savanes/Albin Michel
  • 1992: France Info award: Le baron rouge by Georges Pratt
  • 1993: Press prize: Le bar du vieux Français by Jean-Philippe Stassen and Denis Lapière, Dupuis
  • 1993: France Info award: Les maîtres de l’orge part 1 by Valles and Jean Van Hamme, Glénat
  • 1994: France Info award: La fille aux ibis by Christian Lax and Giroud, Dupuis
  • 1995: France Info award: L’homme qui a fait le tour du monde by Aymond and Pierre Christin
  • (1996: no award in this category)
  • (1997: no award in this category)
  • (1998: no award in this category)
  • 1999: Press prize: Azrayen part 1 by Christian Lax and Giroud, Dupuis
  • 1999: France Info award: Palestine part 2

[edit] 2000s

  • 2003: France Info award: Carnets d’Orient part 6 by Jacques Ferrandez, Casterman
  • 2003: Canal BD award: Quartier lointain part 1 by Jiro Taniguchi, Casterman
    • Algernon Woodcock part 1 by Sorel and Dieter
    • Berlin, la cité des pierres part 1 by Jason
    • Carnet d’Orient part 6 by Jacques Ferrandez
    • Le chat du rabbin part 1 by Joann Sfar
    • Jimmy Corrigan by Chris Ware
    • El Niño part 1 by Perrissin and Pavlovic
    • Phénomenum part 1 by Kaminka and Cédrines
    • Le pouvoir des innocents part 5 by Hirn and Brunschwig
    • Ring circus part 3 by Chauvel and Formosa
    • Vitesse moderne by Blutch