Anglican Province of Christ the King

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Anglican Province of Christ the King
Classification Continuing Anglican
Orientation Anglo-Catholic
Polity Episcopal
Founder Robert S. Morse
Origin 1977
St. Louis, Missouri
Separated from Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Associations Inter-Communion with Anglican Catholic Church
Geographical Area United States
Congregations approximately 45
Members 8,000
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Robert S. Morse . Council Nedd II
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Anglican Province of Christ the King
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The Anglican Province of Christ the King (APCK) is a Continuing Anglican church with traditional forms both of doctrine and liturgy. It is considered one of the more Anglo-Catholic jurisdictions among Continuing Anglican church bodies.

At the founding of the Continuing Anglican movement in 1977, at the Congress of St. Louis, a proposed constitution for a new Anglican Church in North America was put before the four existing dioceses for ratification. The two which did ratify the constitution later adopted the name Anglican Catholic Church. The two which did not ratify because of concerns that the role of the new church's bishops was overly narrow, elected to continue under the original name of the movement. One of these non-ratifying dioceses, the Diocese of the Southeastern States, dissolved within a short time leaving only the Diocese of Christ the King under its Bishop Ordinary, the Right Reverend Robert Morse of California.

A new name, Province of Christ the King, was adopted as the church expanded to become a nationwide jurisdiction spanning the United States. More recently, the Province became known as the Anglican Province of Christ the King.

The APCK has over forty parishes, five dioceses organized geographically and a seminary located close to the University of California in Berkeley, California. On June 29, 2007 the Most Reverend James E. Provence was elected as successor to Archbishop Morse upon the latter's retirement as Archbishop of the Province. Morse continues as Provost of St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological Seminary which he was instrumental in founding in 1979.

On 25 July, 2007 the Eastern Diocese of the APCK withdrew, joining the Anglican Church in America. Several of its parishes decided to remain within the APCK.

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