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The evergreen aneda (spelled either this way or as annedda by different 16th–17th century sources[1]) was used by Jacques Cartier and his men as a remedy against scurvy in the winter of 1535–1536. It is generally believed to have been Thuja occidentalis,[2][3][4][5] a common tree in Quebec also known as Arborvitae. Samuel de Champlain, around 1608, was unable to find the remedy, and some have supposed that the Indians had lost their knowledge of the remedy in the intervening 72 years.[6] However, a more common explanation is that the St. Lawrence Iroquoians which Cartier met did not speak the same language as the Hurons or Iroquois living in the area at the time of Champlain, and so the term annedda meant nothing to the latter group.[1][2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Oeuvres de Champlain, Tome III (French).
  2. ^ a b The Mystery of Annedda.
  3. ^ Russell M. Burns and Barbara H. Honkala (Technical Coordinators) (December 1990). Thuja occidentalis L.: Northern White-Cedar. Silvics of North America (Agriculture Handbook 654).
  4. ^ Jacques Cartier's Second Voyage - 1535 - Winter & Scurvy. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
  5. ^ Martini E (2002). "Jacques Cartier witnesses a treatment for scurvy". Vesalius 8 (1): 2–6. PMID 12422875. 
  6. ^ Egon H. Kodicek, Frank G. Young (Jun 1969). "Captain Cook and Scurvy". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 24 (1): 43–63. doi:10.1098/rsnr.1969.0006. 
  • Burpee, Lawrence J. (F.R.G.S.), Index and Dictionary of Canadian History. 1912.

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