Andy Barnes

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Andy Barnes has headed Channel 4's advertising sales operation since 1993 when the channel began selling its own airtime. He joined the Board of Channel 4 in 1997. He also sits on the board of BARB (Broadcasters' Audience Research Board), is Chairman of the BACC (Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre), is a member of the Advertising Association's Council, and is also Chairman of Thinkbox, the marketing body set up to act on behalf of the commercial television companies. Barnes started his career in television sales as a trainee at Southern Television. He went on to work for its successor, Television South (TVS), where he became Sales Executive, then Deputy Sales Director, before becoming Sales Director at Laser Sales, the joint sales house formed by TVS and London Weekend Television (LWT), in 1991. 4 Digital Group Board Directors

There is another Andy Barnes, who runs Sumo Power UK and looks like Jesus.