Andronikos Asen

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Andronikos Asen (? - 1322?) was the despot of Morea between 1316 and 1322.

Andronikos Asen was the son of Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Asen III and Eirene Palaiologina, who was the sister of Byzantine emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos.

His father and mother, after a rebellion in Bulgaria, escaped to Byzantine territory. After Michael Kantakouzenos' death in 1316, Andronikos II gave Andronikos Asen the position of despot of the Despotate of Morea.

During his short rule, he engaged in war against local Frankish states, becoming victorious in the end. He was an ancestor of later Byzantine emperors, the reason being that his granddaughter, Helena, married John V Palaiologos, whose descendants later became Byzantine emperors.

[edit] Marriage

Andronikos married a certian Tarchanaiotissa, is not known. She was a daughter of were Protostrator Michael Doukas Glabas Tarchaneiotes and his wife Maria Doukaina Komnene Palaiologina Branaina.

The last names of her mother indicate descent from the families Doukas, Komnenos and Palaiologos who each produced several Byzantine Emperors. Her last name however indicates being a member of the Branas family which produced military leaders like Alexios Branas and Theodore Branas, but whose genealogy is poorly recorded.

They had at least four children:

  • Manuel Komnenos Raoul Asanes. A military commander. Later strategos in Didymoteicho (1342) and Governor of Bizye (1344). Married Anna Komnene Doukaina Palaiologina Synadene. She was a daughter of Theodore Komnenos Doukas Synadenos Palaiologos and Eudokia Muzakiaina.
  • John Asen. A mlitary commander. Governor of Melenikon (1342) and Morrha (1343). Married Apokavke. She was a daughter of Alexios Apokavkos and an unnamed of daughter of Disypatos.
  • Irene Asanina. Married John VI Kantakouzenos.
  • Helene Asanina. A daughter considered to have died young.

[edit] References

Andronikos Asen
Palaiologos dynasty
Born: unknown Died: 1322?
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Michael Kantakouzenos
Governor (επίτροπος) of Morea
Succeeded by

[edit] External links