Andrew von Hirsch
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Andrew von Hirsch is an academic criminologist and the founding Director of the Centre for Penal Theory and Penal Ethics at the Institute of Criminology and the honorary Professor of Penal Theory and Penal Law at Cambridge University. He is also the Honorary Fellow at Wolfson College.
Andrew von Hirsch has also been Adjunct Professor of Penology in the Law Faculty of the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He holds an honorary doctorate of laws from that institution, and an LL.D. from Cambridge University. Von Hirsch worked under J. L. Austin as a student in the 1950s at Oxford.
Von Hirsch's philosophical theories about penal theory and criminal law have generated an enormous body of independent literature. Von Hirsch has also been recognized by a number of distinguished scholars in, Fundamentals of Sentencing Theory: Essays in Honour of Andrew von Hirsch, (Oxford University Press, 1998), edited by Andrew Ashworth and Martin Wasik.
[edit] Books and Publications
- Doing Justice: The Choice of Punishments (1976)
- The Question of Parole (1979)
- Sentencing (with Hyman Gross) (1981)
- Past or Future Crimes: Deservedness and Dangerousness in the Sentencing of Criminals (1986)
- The Sentencing Commission and its Guidelines (1987)
- Strafmass und Strafgerechtigkeit (1991)
- Censure and Sanctions (1993)
- Principled Sentencing (co-editor)(1998)
- Criminal Deterrence and Sentence Severity (with Anthony Bottoms, et. al) (1999)
- Ethical and Social Issues in Situational Crime Prevention (co-editor) (2000)
- Proportionalitet och Strafbestämning (2001)
- Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms? (co-editor)(2003)
- Die Rechtsgutstheorie (co-editor) (2003)
- Tatproportionalität (co-editor)(2003)
- Proportionate Sentencing: Exploring the Principles (with Andrew Ashworth) (2005)
- Fairness, Verbrechen und Strafe: Strafrechtstheoretische Abhandlungen (2005)
- Mediating Principles: Begrenzungsprinzipien bei der Strafbegründung (co-editor) (2006)
- Incivilities: Regulating Offensive Behaviour (co-editor)(2006)