Anders Selinder

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Anders Selinder , (4 November 1806, Stockholm-6 November 1874, Stockholm), was a Swedish dancer, Ballet master, coreographer and director. He was master of the Royal Swedish Ballet in 1833-1856.

Anders Selinder was premier dancer at the Royal ballet in the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm in 1829-1846. In 1833, he was appointed ballet master at the age of twenty seven, he replaced Wallquist, who had first shared the position with Sophie Daguin; Daguin was principal of the Opera's ballet school, and together, Selinder and Daguin are considered to have uphold a high standard in the ballet. Selinder are considered as one of the most notable of the masters in the ballet. During this time, there was a nwe interest for the old Folk dance, which were at the time disappearing, and Selinder learned them and preserved them by making them in to ballets. He wrote several ballets and made the coreography to the national opera Värmlänningarne in 1846.

In 1856, Selinder lost his position; Sophie Dguin was fired the same year, and this is considered to be the start point of the decay in the Swedish ballet during the second half of the 19th century. After 1856, he created the first travelling Swedish ballet company and toured in Sweden; they also performed folk dance and instructed everyone interested in learing. In 1858-1866 he managed a children's theatre, and in 1870-1871, he was joint director in the theatre Ladugårdslandsteatern.

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