Anders Hald

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Anders Hald (3 July 191311 November 2007) was a Danish statistician who made contributions to the history of statistics. He was a professor at the University of Copenhagen from 1960 to 1982.


[edit] Bibliography

  • A History of Parametric Statistical Inference from Bernoulli to Fisher, 1713-1935 Springer 2006 Amazon
  • A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications before 1750, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-47129-1 (paperback, 2003) Amazon
  • A History of Mathematical Statistics from 1750 to 1930, Wiley, 1998 Amazon
  • Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications, 1952
  • Statistical Theory of Sampling Inspection by Attributes, part I and part II
  • Statistical Tables and Formulas, 1952

[edit] In Danish

  • Statistiske Metoder, 1949
  • Statistisk Kvalitetskontrol, 1954
  • Statistiske Metoder i Arbejdsstudierteknikken, 1955
  • Elementær Lærebog i Statistisk Kvalitetskontrol, 1956

[edit] References

  • Kraks Blå Bog 1984

[edit] External links

There is a photograph at

There is an obituary at