An Yue Jiang

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The An Yue Jiang is a Chinese container vessel operated by the state-run shipping firm COSCO. It became notable because of controversy surrounding a cargo of arms and ammunition destined for Zimbabwe. The cargo reportedly includes some 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition, 1,500 rocket propelled grenades, and 2,500 mortar rounds.[1] The vessel originally planned to dock at a South African port and unload its cargo for shipment to landlocked Zimbabwe. However, there were widespread protests by persons concerned that the arms would be used by Robert Mugabe's regime in surpressing political opposition in the wake of disputed elections. Dock workers stated that they would not unload the cargo, and others threatened to stop the shipment on South African roads. Finally, a South African judge ruled that the ship could not dock as planned.

Subsequently, the An Yue Jiang remained in the area of the Cape of Good Hope, pending a rumored decision by the Chinese to recall the ship. It has recently been announced that the ship will proceed to Angola, where it may dock but not unload any Zimbabwean weapons.

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