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Classification Makkan
Meaning of the name The Honey Bee
Sura number 16
Number of verses 128
Juz' number 14
Hizb number 27 to 28
Number of Sajdahs 1 (verse 51)
Previous Sura Al-Hijr
Next Sura Al-Isra
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Sura An-Nahl (Arabic: سورة النحل‎, Sūratu an-Nahl, "The Honey Bee") is the 16th. sura of the Qur'an, with 128 verses. Its name means "the bees".

[edit] Summary

This sura warns against polytheism[citation needed], saying that the pagan gods cannot create anything[citation needed], and against comparisons between Allah and any created beings ([Qur'an 16:74])[dubious ]. It also praises Allah for giving the Earth with all its wealth to mankind.[citation needed] According to this sura, all wonders of the natural world, like seas, stars, mountains are proofs of God's infinite power.[dubious ]

The verse [Qur'an 16:103] addresses the allegations that Muhammad has invented the Quran.[dubious ]

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The Qur'an Next Sura:
Sura 16

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[edit] Literature

David Engels, "Hierin ist ein Zeichen für solche, die nachdenken. Die Bienensymbolik im Vorderen Orient. Ein Überblick zu Entwicklungslinien und –tendenzen," in: David Engels/Carla Nicolaye (eds.), Ille operum custos. Kulturgeschichtliche Beiträge zur antiken Bienensymbolik und ihrer Rezeption, Hildesheim 2008, pp. 21–40.

[edit] External links

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