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Amey S. Tippett was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. A writer all her life, Alison’s Journey is her first published novel. Amey graduated from Ohio University with a degree in education in 1996. Following her graduation, she relocated to Southern California to pursue a teaching career. Amey taught third and sixth grades, and continued writing in her spare time.

In 1999, Amey established Gryphon Productions, an independent consultancy providing clients with Web site development and content creation. In addition to her freelance work, Amey also made a formal career change to the information technology industry, and has recently returned to Ohio. She currently resides in New Albany, Ohio with her two cats, Gryphon and Sabine, who provide endless inspiration. Writing has been the constant amid all the changes in Amey’s life, and currently in the works are sequels to Alison’s Journey, a collection of poetry called Spilled Ink, and two young adult novels.

Amey has also published poems in several journals including “The Glass Tesseract” and “SCAR”. "Motherhood", a short story, was published in Stories of Strength in 2005.

Amey's Homepage