American Biographical Institute

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The American Biographical Institute (ABI) is a biographical reference directory publisher based in the United States in Raleigh, North Carolina. that has been publishing biographies since 1967.[1] It generates its revenue from sales of certificates and books.


[edit] Operations

The ABI writes to individuals who have been cited elsewhere and invites them to purchase various honors,[2] such as "International Man of the Year," "Most Admired Man of the Decade" or "Outstanding Man of the 21st Century" (see list below), or to be included in ABI publications, such as 500 Leaders of Science[3] or The World Book of Knowledge,[4] in exchange for a "contribution fee."[5] Those who accept, who sometimes write their own biographies,[6] are offered books or certificates at prices as high as US $ 795.[4] Recipients of these ABI-issued honors have included university professors [7][8]; doctors and surgeons[9]; educators[10]; musicians[11]; entrepreneurs[12]; international statesmen and diplomats[13]; and leaders of non-profit organizations[14], among others.

On its website,[1] the publisher describes itself as "one of the world’s leading biographical reference publishers and authorities on global contemporary achievement" and claims that "inclusion in an ABI reference title is based on personal achievement alone and is not available for purchase."

While it is apparent that some of the ABI honorees are legitimate practitioners in their fields,[15] the awards themselves have been denounced as scams by politicians,[16][17] journalists,[18][19] and others.[20][21][22]

[edit] World Forum

The ABI is also the co-host with the International Biographical Centre of a yearly World Forum,[1] (previously the International Congress on Arts and Communications) which invites a select group of international representatives to join for a week of professional seminars, artistic displays and performances, and the sharing of culture. Host cities over the 31 yearly meetings have included: New York; Washington D.C.; New Orleans; San Francisco; Edinburgh; Cambridge, UK; Nairobi; Madrid; Lisbon; Cambridge, Mass. USA; Oxford, UK.; Singapore; and Sydney.[1] [[23]] Individuals as renowned as the Maitre Artiste of Ethiopia, Afewerk Tekle are regular attendees. [24] No proceedings of these forums are produced.

[edit] Awards and titles

New awards are continually created and marketed. Most awards are available for between US $195 and $495, payable by the recipient, depending on their level of prestige and the quality of the printing on the certificate and the material in the frame or mount.[5] In 2005 the Institute awarded 200 "Man of the Year" awards at between $195 and $295 each.[25]

The awards and titles which are sold by the American Biographical Institute include:

  • Ambassador of Grand Eminence[26]
  • American Hall of Fame[27]
  • American Medal of Honor[28]
  • American Order of Excellence Medal[29]
  • Commemorative Medal of Honor[29][15]
  • Community Leader of America[15]
  • Congressional Medal of Excellence[30]
  • Contemporary Elite[31]
  • Continental Governor for the United States of America[32]
  • Deputy Governor of the American Biographical Institute Research Association[33]
  • Distinguished Leadership Award[15]
  • Distinguished Young Leadership Award[34]
  • Einsteinian Chair of Science[35]
  • Gold Record of Achievement[36]
  • Genius Laureate of the United States[37]
  • Great Minds of the 21st Century Award[38]
  • Great Women of the 21st Century Award[39]
  • International Cultural Diploma of Honor[29][40]
  • International Man of the Year[40]
  • International Medal of Vision[41]
  • International Peace Prize[27][17][19]
  • Key Award[42]
  • Legion of Honor[43]
  • Man of Achievement[44]
  • Man of science[45]
  • Man of the Year[2]
  • Master Diploma with honors[27]
  • Member of the World Institute of Achievement[46]
  • Most Admired Man of the Decade[15][40]
  • One of the Genius Elite[2]
  • Order of International Ambassadors[47]
  • Outstanding Man of the 20th Century[29]
  • Outstanding Man of the 21st Century[29]
  • Woman of Achievement[27]
  • Woman of the Year[27]
  • Woman of the Year in Medicine & Healthcare
  • World Laureate of Norway[29]
  • World Lifetime Achievement Award[40]
  • World Medal of Freedom[48]
  • 25 Year Achievement Award[15]

[edit] Example of a letter from the American Biographical Institute

[edit] Government leaders with ABI awards

[edit] See also

[edit] References

The ABI does not provide a consolidated list of all the awards, medals, diplomas and certificates it issues,[2] but the titles of the honors may be identified through the recipients' use of them in their résumés. An internet search on any of the honors above will locate many recipients.[52]

  1. ^ a b c d American Biographical Institute website.
  2. ^ a b c d David Vernon. "David Vernon — Man of the Year!", Appeared as "The Price of Fame" in The Skeptic vol 27, No 2, July 2007. "Interestingly, neither ABI nor IBC lists their entire menu of awards on their websites — perhaps they think that to do so might make even the most gullible person a little suspicious… Western Australian Senator Ross Lightfoot, in his 1997 entry in Who’s Who in Australia p970, and on his Parliamentary website states that he is a Life Fellow of the International Biographical Centre. Such Fellowships can be had for a one-off payment of £795." 
  3. ^ Seema Banerjee (17 July 2002). Post: Commemorative Edition of "500 Leaders of Science". Teachers.Net.
  4. ^ a b Hannes Gassert. "Me in "The World Book of Knowledge" (?)", 12 September 2004. "Alright, I'm rather credulous by nature, but heck, who would want the biography of a random 22-year old in an encyclopedia at the cost of $795 USD? This does indeed very much look like the scheme of the publishing house Belbo, Casaubon and Diotallevi, the heroes in Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, work for, publishing esoteric books at their authors' own expense." 
  5. ^ a b Columnist Mike Awoyinfa. "Should I accept this American award?", The Sun (Lagos), 1 April 2006. "I have just received this letter … telling me that I don’t know who I am and that I “should be proud” of my accomplishments … For the MAN OF THE YEAR Decree (unlaminated) the price is US $ 195.00. For the Decree Custom Laminated onto Finland Birch Wood, the price is US $ 295.00… They are asking me to send the money by cheque or money order or wire transfer. They are asking for my credit card number…" 
  6. ^ Stover E. Harger III. "Paying for prestige: the cost of recognition.", Daily Vanguard, 14 February 2007. 
  7. ^ AMEinfo/ Princess Sumaya University press release
  8. ^ Auburn University College of Business
  9. ^ Cryosurgery/ Dr. Nikolai N. Korpan
  10. ^ National Teachers Hall of Fame
  11. ^ Liana Alexandra
  12. ^ Environmental Services
  13. ^ President of Gambia
  14. ^ Realizations, Inc.
  15. ^ a b c d e f Ohio State University College of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience. Hojjat Adeli, Ph.D.. Faculty CV.
  16. ^ Richard Baker. "Scam of the year a snip at $195", The Age, 27 August 2004. "Consumer Affairs Minister John Lenders has been asked to investigate a scam being run by a group called the American Biographical Institute after it told a Labor MP he would get a decree confirming his nomination as 2004 "man of the year" if he paid $ US 195 ($ A 276) … [Member for Mitcham] Mr Robinson said it was important the people behind the scam be stopped from requesting Australians to send money for a meaningless award… “It is very difficult to retrieve money from scams like this that are run overseas," [Mr. Lenders] said. "This is a scam that is well known to Consumer Affairs Victoria." 
  17. ^ a b Parliament of New South Wales. "Peace Prize Scam.", 1 March 2005, 6 April 2005. 
  18. ^ Rajesh Kochhar. "The Sucker of the Year Award.", The Tribune, 16 January 1999. 
  19. ^ a b Tim Heald. "I have been nominated for an International Peace Prize!", The Heald Report, February 2005. 
  20. ^ Bhavin Jankharia. "The Awards Scam.", 10 August 1999. 
  21. ^ Don Burleson (8 October 2006). Are you a "Man of the Year"?.
  22. ^ "Dubious awards: Sashes and such", Newsletter of the Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods) Volume 26 No. 1, Spring 2007. 
  23. ^ Certificate of attendance
  24. ^ Ethiopian News Article
  25. ^ Excerpt of a letter from ABI (September 9, 2005).
  26. ^ Nick Pahys, Jr. Awards. (of 28 awards listed, 12 are from IBC, 6 from ABI, some jointly from both). “Ambassador of Grand Eminence.”
  27. ^ a b c d e "High Awards & Recognitions", (Copies of letters received by "World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Schwab" from the American Biographical Institute and the International Biographical Centre). 
  28. ^ Biography of Celia Hall-Thur, Wenatchee Valley College
  29. ^ a b c d e f David A. Spencer. Biographical Listings: Awards, Certificates.
  30. ^ Obituary for Pruella Cromartie Niver Canham
  31. ^ The awards and honours of Dr. Deepak P. Nandedkar
  32. ^ Neil Jan Gale. Biography of Neil Jan Gale. “Continental Governor for the United States of America.”
  33. ^ Dr David Spencer's list of qualifications
  34. ^ Biography of Murray McGibbon
  35. ^ Biography of Dana Barry
  36. ^ President of Gambia
  37. ^ Dubious Awards, Sashes and Stuff
  38. ^ David Vernon - Man of the Year!
  39. ^ Munnings among Great Women of the 21st Century - Government Press Release
  40. ^ a b c d The Appreciative Inquiry Commons. Paul J Meyer, Author and Founder.
  41. ^ Chief Minister of Sikkim
  42. ^ David Spencer's Biography
  43. ^ Paying for Prestige
  44. ^ Raymond Newkirk Biography
  45. ^ H.Chen Biography
  46. ^ David Spencer's Biography
  47. ^ Ivanka Raynova Biography
  48. ^ Department of Consumer and Employment Protection, Western Australia. World Medal of Freedom. “It costs hundreds of dollars to receive your commemorative medal, certificate or book. But unlike the Nobel Prize, you wont find a list of winners, nominees or even the judging criteria on ABI's website… Don't be a "Fool of the Year" by falling for this nonsense.”
  49. ^ Biography of Yahya Jammeh with CV on Gambia government website.
  50. ^ Biography of Benazir Bhutto on website.
  51. ^ Biography of Pawan Chamling with CV on Sikkim National Informatics Center website.
  52. ^ A typical multiple-award-listing CV (in this case, 40 from IBC, more than 20 from ABI.)