American (word)

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Use of the word American in the English language differs between historical, geographical, and political contexts. It derives from America, a term originally referring to all of the New World (also called the Americas), and its usage has evolved over time.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of the United States is as an American. Though United States is the formal adjective, American and U.S. are the most common adjectives used to refer to the country ("American values," "U.S. forces"). American is rarely used in American English to refer to people not connected to the United States.[1]

The word can be used as both a noun and an adjective. In adjectival use, it is generally understood to mean "of or relating to the United States of America"; for example, "Elvis Presley was an American singer" or "the American president gave a speech today;" in noun form, it generally means U.S. citizen or national. When used with a grammatical qualifier the adjective American can mean "of or relating to the Americas," as in Latin American or Indigenous American. Less frequently, the adjective can take this meaning without a qualifier, even when used in the United States, as in "American Spanish dialects and pronunciation differ by country," or "The ancient American civilizations of the pre-Columbian period were advanced in mathematics and astronomy." A third use of the term pertains specifically to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, for instance, "In the 15th century, many Americans died from imported diseases during the Spanish conquest".


[edit] Other languages

French, German, and Italian speakers may use cognates of the word "American" to refer specifically to United States citizens, as in English, or to the New World, as in Spanish. In Spanish, americano often refers to the entire New World; the adjective and noun describing the United States is estadounidense, deriving from Estados Unidos de América, the United States of America. In Portuguese americano is the standard word for United States citizens, though it can also refer to all America, and estadunidense (from Estados Unidos da América) norteamericano and ianque are also often used as well.[citation needed] In French, the term étasunien (coming from États-Unis d'Amérique) is sometimes used to avoid any confusion from américain, an adjective which can refer to the whole continent; the same applies to the German word US-amerikanisch or US-Amerikaner. The terms estadounidense, norteamericano, yanqui, and gringo are popularly used in Mexico and some Central American and South American countries to describe the people of the United States. Gringo is often used for any foreign person. The differences in usage of the cognates cause some cultural friction between U.S. nationals and Latin Americans; Latin Americans, in particular, may object to the primary English usage of American, feeling it unfairly appropriates the term, though no country besides the United States of America uses the term "America" in their name.[2] Mexico uses the words "United States" in its official name of the United Mexican States (from Spanish Estados Unidos Mexicanos).

[edit] History of the word

British Map of America in 1744.
British Map of America in 1744.

Various theories exist for the derivation of the word America. The most commonly expounded theory is that German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller derived it from the Latinized version of the name of Amerigo Vespucci (Americus Vespucius), an Italian merchant and cartographer whose exploratory journeys in the early 1500s brought him to the eastern coastline of South America and to the Caribbean. Some of Vespucci's letters were published, and they were the basis of Waldseemüller's 1507 map, which was the first to use the word America. (See Cohen, Jonathan. The Naming of America: Vespucci's Good Name. Retrieved on 2007-06-26.) In 1886, Jules Marcou states that Vespucci changed his Christian name of Alberigo Vespucci (Albericus Vespucius) to Amerigo Vespucci only after coming into contact with natives from the eponymous Amerrique ranges of Nicaragua[citation needed], which connect North America to South America, an important geographical feature of New World maps and charts. The newest theory from 1908 suggests America derives from the name of one Richard Amerike of Bristol in England, financier of John Cabot's expedition in 1497. Cabot is believed to be the first Western European to set foot on the mainland. However it came into existence, the term American was subsequently used as an adjective describing the New World and its native people.

In the 16th century, the word American was used by Europeans for the indigenous inhabitants of the New World; soon it was extended to describe newly settled Europeans, namely Spaniards and their mixed progeny. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation proclaimed a new country, "The United States of America". The Articles of Confederation state the following above the signatories: "In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America." Divergence in usage becomes evident because only the word America, not the United States, is used in this section.

The term America, for the lands of the western hemisphere, was coined in the early 16th century after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer and cartographer. The full name of the country was first used officially in the Declaration of Independence, which was the "unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America" adopted by the "Representatives of the united States of America" on July 4, 1776.[3] The current name was finalized on November 15, 1777, when the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first of which states, "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be 'The United States of America.'" Common short forms and abbreviations of the United States of America include the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and America. Colloquial names for the country include the U.S. of A. and the States. Columbia, a once popular name for the Americas and the United States, was derived from Christopher Columbus. It appears in the name "District of Columbia". A female personification of Columbia appears on some official documents, including certain prints of U.S. currency.

Alexander Hamilton and James Madison employ two different meanings for American in the Federalist Papers. For example, Madison and Hamilton write of "the American republic" in Federalist Paper 51[4] and 70 respectively.[5] In contrast, Hamilton uses American to describe land outside the political borders of the United States of America in Federalist Paper 24[6]

Though a wide ocean separates the United States from Europe, yet there are various considerations that warn us against an excess of confidence or security. On one side of us, and stretching far into our rear, are growing settlements subject to the dominion of Britain. On the other side, and extending to meet the British settlements, are colonies and establishments subject to the dominion of Spain. This situation and the vicinity of the West India Islands, belonging to these two powers create between them, in respect to their American possessions and in relation to us, a common interest.

In 1796, during George Washington's Farewell address, the president is quoted as saying "The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation."[7]

The phrase "the United States" was originally treated as plural—e.g, "the United States are"—including in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1865. However, it has commonly been treated as singular—e.g., "the United States is"—since the turn of the twentieth century. The plural form is retained in the set idiom "these United States."[8]

Some proposals for a different name for the country were made prior to the Constitutional Convention, with the most popular name being "Columbia". The problems with the name "the United States of America" (its length, awkwardness, vague and imprecise meaning) were known and discussed at the time, but the Constitution did not address the topic, using both "the United States of America" and "the United States" interchangeably.

In contrast, the word "Colombia" comes from the name of Christopher Columbus (Cristóbal Colón in Spanish, Cristoforo Colombo in Italian). It was conceived by the revolutionary Francisco de Miranda as a reference to the New World, especially to all American territories and colonies under Spanish and Portuguese rule, and which eventually led to the short-lived United States of Colombia to distinguish it from the United States of America.

Peculiar inconsistencies are evident in official documents shortly after the United States became a sovereign nation. The 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France uses the term "the United States of North America" in the first sentence, but subsequently uses just "the said United States". Both "the United States of America" and "the United States of North America" came from the earlier terms "the United Colonies of America" and "the United Colonies of North America".

The Treaty of Peace and Amity, Signed at Algiers September 5, 1795,[9] is an agreement with "the United States of North America" which uses both "citizens of the United States" and "American Citizens" in the document.

Semantic divergence in the Anglophone world would not affect the Spanish colonies. In 1801, a document titled "Letter to American Spaniards" is believed to have directly influenced the Act of Independence and the 1811 Constitution of Venezuela.[10] This document was published in French, Spanish, and English in 1799, 1801 and 1808, respectively.

The Latter-day Saints Articles of Faith make reference to the American continent as the place where Zion is to be built[11].

The Old Catholic Encyclopedia refers to America as "the Western Continent or the New World". It discusses a wide variety of American republics ranging from the United States of America to the "the republic of Mexico, the Central American republics of Guatemala, Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Leon, and Panama; the Antillian republics of Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Cuba, and the South American republics of Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, the Argentine, and Chile."[12].

Since the late 18th century American has been used in both the historical continental sense, and to refer to the United States of America. Though the English and Spanish cognates have multiple, nearly identical meanings today, the common unqualified form in the respective language often differs.

[edit] Disagreement over meaning

The use of American as a national demonym for U.S. citizens has been frequently challenged primarily by Latin Americans.[13]

[edit] Political and cultural views

[edit] Latin America

Latin Americans consider everyone in the Americas to be americanos. Use of the word to refer specifically to U.S. citizens may be seen as ignorant, arrogant, incorrect, or even self-serving depending on the context. The same sentiments may apply to the use of the word American in English. The Luxury Link travel guide[14] advises U.S. nationals traveling in Mexico to avoid referring to themselves as Americans, as Mexicans consider themselves Americans. The Getting Through Customs website advises business travelers not to use "in America" as a reference to the United States when doing business in Brazil.[15]

In Latin America, the slippage between the word American as a relation to the landmass of the Western Hemisphere and American exclusively to refer to U.S. nationals is seen as beneficial to the advances of United States foreign policy in Latin America.[citation needed]

[edit] Spain

The Diccionario de la Lengua Española (Dictionary of the Spanish Language) published by the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy), defines estadounidense (United Stater) as "someone or something from or relating to the United States". This is by far the most common way for Spaniards to refer to U.S. nationals. People originating from, or who have lived in, the Western Hemisphere may be called americanos.

Additionally, the Royal Spanish Academy advises against referring to U.S. nationals exclusively as Americans[16]:

Pero debe evitarse el empleo de americano para referirse exclusivamente a los habitantes de los Estados Unidos, uso abusivo que se explica por el hecho de que los estadounidenses utilizan a menudo el nombre abreviado América (en inglés, sin tilde) para referirse a su país. No debe olvidarse que América es el nombre de todo el continente y son americanos todos los que lo habitan.


But the use of American to refer exclusively to inhabitants of the United States should be avoided; this corrupt use is due to the fact that U.S. citizens often shorten the name to America, (in English, without an accent mark) to refer to their country. One should not forget America is the name of the entire continent and all who inhabit it are Americans.

[edit] Canada

Prior to Confederation in 1867, the word "Canadian" referred only to residents of the colony of Canada, which consisted of the territory of modern Quebec and Ontario. The term did not apply to residents of the colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland. Collectively, the British colonies were known as British North America and their residents referred to themselves as "British Americans." Only after 1867 did the term "Canadian" come to describe all the residents of the Dominion of Canada and the word "American" come to be seen a semi-pejorative.

In Canada, their southern neighbour is seldom referred to as "America", with "the United States", "the U.S.", or (informally) "the States" used instead,[17] although "American" is the usual demonym in modern Canadian English. Modern Canadians rarely apply the term American to themselves — some Canadians resent being referred to as Americans because of mistaken assumptions that they are U.S. citizens or an inability—particularly of people overseas—to distinguish Canadian English and American English accents.[17] Some Canadians protested the use of American as a national demonym in the past.[18] When Canadians need to refer to the larger continental context, North American (or North and South American), not "American", is the term in current usage.

People of U.S. ethnic origin in Canada are categorized as "American (U.S.)" by Statistics Canada for purposes of census counts.[1]

The terms Étasunien and Étatsunisien are sometimes used in Québec French as a demonym for American citizens in place of the more common Américain.[citation needed]

[edit] Portugal and Brazil

Americano is generally used to refer to United States citizens. Currently in Portugal Brazilians are usually called brasileiros and rarely americanos, although the common usage was different in the 19th century. However, the usage of americano in specific reference to the United States is not recommended by the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (Lisbon Science Academy, which regulates language use) because the word estado-unidense (estadunidense, alternative spelling) clearly identifies a United Stater.

In Portugal, the naturals/citizins of USA are, colloquially, called "americanos", but, in written text, the more usual expression is "norte-americano".

Brazilians refer to themselves as "americanos" in general and "Latino-americanos" in particular. However the word "América" has in the past 15 years become more popular as synonymous with "United States of America" in big urban centers more influenced by United States culture, especially after the Brazilian immigration boom to US in mid-1990s. In many parts of the country "norte-americano" usually refers to someone from the United States, while "América" is still used to refer to the Americas.[citation needed]

[edit] United States

"United States or American" ancestry by county, per 2000 U.S. Census. (Dark colors represent higher relative density.)
"United States or American" ancestry by county, per 2000 U.S. Census. (Dark colors represent higher relative density.)

The United States Census Bureau considers 7.3% of the residents of the United States to be of "United States or American" ancestry[19] based on responses to the 2000 Census long form questionnaire (1 in 6 sample). Responses of United States or American alone, or with an ambiguous response or state name (excluding Hawai'i) were aggregated as "United States or American" for most purposes. Distinct groups such as "American Indian", "Mexican American", "African American", and "Hawaiian" were coded separately because of overlap with the short form questionnaire data (which covers the entire population) on race and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.

Usage of the word can vary in diplomatic situations. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is quoted as saying, "…todos somos americanos" during a speech in Honduras.[20] His quotation is translated as "We are all Americans" by the Washington Post[21] and CNN.[22]

There is also some dispute about the meaning of American in the Monroe Doctrine to this day.

[edit] American in other contexts

The Associated Press Stylebook (1994) defines American as "An acceptable description for a resident of the United States. It also may be applied to any resident or citizen of nations in North or South America." It also advises that United States should "be spelled out when used as a noun. Use U.S. (no space) only as an adjective."

In the entry for America, The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage (1999) says that the "terms America, American(s) and Americas refer not only to the United States, but to all of North America and South America. They may be used in any of their senses, including references to just the United States, if the context is clear. The countries of the Western Hemisphere are collectively the Americas."

[edit] American in international law

In legal circles a citizen of the United States is usually referred to as a U.S. citizen, not an American citizen, though the latter term is common in popular usage. The following excerpt is from the North American Free Trade Agreement:

Only air carriers that are U.S. citizens are permitted to operate domestic air services or operate international air services as a "U.S." carrier; non-U.S. citizens may own and control foreign air carriers that operate between the U.S. and foreign points.[23]

[edit] American in U.S. law, generally

In the 6th Edition of Black's Law Dictionary, American is defined as "Of or pertaining to the United States." In the two newer editions of the same dictionary there is no entry for American.

[edit] American in U.S. marketplace regulation

Products labeled, advertised, or marketed in the U.S. as "American Made" must be "all or virtually all made in the U.S." The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, in order to prevent deception and unfair competition, considers an unqualified "American Made" claim to be an express claim of U.S. manufacture. "The FTC Act gives the Commission the power to bring law enforcement actions against false or misleading claims that a product is of U.S. origin."[24]

[edit] U.S. national in other languages

English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, popular Portuguese and Russian speakers may use American (Japanese: アメリカ人 roma-ji: amerika-jin), (Russian: американец, американка,) (Mandarin Chinese: pinyin- měiguórén, traditional- 美國人, simplified- 美国人) to refer to U.S. citizens. These languages generally have other terms for U.S. nationals; for example, there is US-Amerikaner in German, étatsunien in French, or statunitense in Italian.

In Spanish, estadounidense, estado-unidense or estadunidense are preferred to americano for U.S. nationals; the latter tends to refer to any resident of the Americas and not necessarily from the United States.[25] In Portuguese, estado-unidense(or estadunidense) is the recommended form by language regulators but today it is less frequently used than americano and norte-americano. Latin Americans also may employ the term norteamericano (North American), which itself conflates the United States and Canada. However, this term may also refer to anyone from the North American continent, which also includes Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Worldwide, speakers of Esperanto refer to the United States of America with the term "Usono", which is borrowed from Frank Lloyd Wright's word Usonia[26]. Thus a citizen or national of the United States is referred to as an "usonano". The Esperantist terms for North Americans and for South Americans, by continent rather than country, are Nordamerikano and Sudamerikano, respectively.

Adjectives derived from "United States" (such as United Statian) appear awkward in English, but similar constructions exist in Spanish (estadounidense or estadinense), Portuguese (estado-unidense, estadunidense) and Finnish (yhdysvaltalainen: from Yhdysvallat, United States); and also in French (états-unien) and Italian (statunitense).

The word Gringo is widely used in parts of Latin America in reference to U.S. residents, often in a pejorative way but not necessarily. Yanqui (Yankee) is also very common in some regions. In Argentina, Uruguay and some regions of Brazil, the word Gringo is also used for any foreigner, not just for U.S. Citizens.

With the 1994 passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, the following words were used to label the United States Section of that organization: in French, étatsunien; in Spanish, estadounidense. In English the adjective used to indicate relation to the United States is U.S.

[edit] Alternative adjectives for U.S. citizens

There are a number of alternatives to the demonym "American" (a citizen of the United States) that do not simultaneously mean any inhabitant of the Americas. One uncommon alternative is "Usonian," which usually describes a certain style of residential architecture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Over the years, many other alternatives have also surfaced, but most have long fallen into disuse and obscurity. Merriam Webster's Dictionary of English Usage says, "The list contains [in approximate historical order from 1789 to 1939] such terms as Columbian, Columbard, Fredonian, Frede, Unisian, United Statesian, Colonican, Appalacian, Usian, Washingtonian, Usonian, Uessian, U-S-ian, Uesican, United Stater."[27] Nevertheless, with the exception of "U.S." or "U.S. citizen", no alternative to "American" has been seriously considered.[28]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Wilson, Kenneth G. (1993). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 27–28. ISBN 0231069898.
  2. ^ Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (August 2007). What's with the Silence About Amerigo Vespucci?. History News Network. Retrieved on 09 June 2008.
  3. ^ The Charters of Freedom. National Archives. Retrieved on 2007-06-20.
  4. ^ James Madison. The Federalist no. 51.
  5. ^ Alexander Hamilton. The Federalist no. 70.
  6. ^ Hamilton, Alexander. "The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered". The Federalist Papers 24. 
  7. ^ The Premier American Hero - George Washington - May 2002 Phyllis Schlafly Report
  8. ^ Zimmer, Benjamin (2005-11-24). Life in These, Uh, This United States. University of Pennsylvania—Language Log. Retrieved on 2008-02-22.
  9. ^ The Barbary Treaties: Treaty of Peace and Amity.
  10. ^ La “Carta dirigida a los españoles americanos”, una carta que recorrió muchos caminos.... (Spanish)
  11. ^
  12. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: America
  13. ^ Mencken, H. L. (December 1947). "Names for Americans". American Speech 22: 241–256. doi:10.2307/486658. 
  14. ^ Luxury Link Travel Guide.
  15. ^ Morrison, Terri. Doing business abroad - Brazil.
  16. ^ Real Academia Española
  17. ^ a b Fee, Margery and McAlpine, J. 1997. Oxford Guide to Canadian English Usage. (ISBN 0-19-541619-8) Toronto: Oxford University Press; p. 36.
  18. ^ de Ford, Miriam Allen (April 1927). "On the difficulty of indicating nativity in the United States". American Speech: 315. 
  19. ^ United States - QT-P13. Ancestry: 2000
  20. ^ Carias, Suyapa. "Clinton promises to lobby for more aid", HondurasThisWeek, 15 March 1999. 
  21. ^ Babington, Charles. "Clinton Hails U.S. Efforts in Storm Zone", Washington Post, 10 March 1999. 
  22. ^ Clinton surveys hurricane relief efforts in Central America. CNN (9 March 1999).
  23. ^ North American Free Trade Agreement (October 7, 1992).
  24. ^ Complying with the Made In the USA Standard
  25. ^ Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado 1992 edition, look up word Americano: contains the Observation: Debe evitarse el empleo de americano con el sentido de norteamericano o de los Estados Unidos (trans. Usage of the word with the meaning of northamerican or US Citizen must be avoided). 
  26. ^ Reta Vortaro: Usono.
  27. ^ EDline Vol. 4, no. 9, American versus US.
  28. ^ The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 

[edit] Scholarly sources

  • Allen, Irving L. (1983). The Language of Ethnic Conflict: Social Organization and Lexical Culture. New York: Columbia University Press. 
  • Condon, J.C. (1986). in J.M. Valdes: Culture bound: Bridging the cultural gap in language teaching. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 85-93.  Chapter 8: “…So near the United States”.
  • Herbst, Philip H. (1997). Color of Words: An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ethnic Bias in the United States. ISBN 1-877864-97-8. 

[edit] External links