Amenhotep, Priest of Amun

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Amenhotep lived during the 18th Dynasty, the New Kingdom era. (c. 1479-1425 b.c.) He was the High Priest in the Temple of Amun. He was the son of Ramessesnakht; his father, mother and both of his grandfathers also worked in the Temple of Amun.

The Ancient Egyptian official, Amenhotep was a high priest of Amun, under pharaohs Ramesses IX to Ramesses XI at the end of the New Kingdom of Egypt. He was also the vizier, or a great confidante of his master, and first prophet of Amun-resonther, Ramses IX - XI. He was in charge of most of the wealth of Egypt, which flowed in and out of the Temple of Amun. He was also in charge of the gardens and graineries of the Temple. Over the course of his lifetime he presided of the funerals of three Pharaohs. Those Pharaohs were: Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, and Thutmose III.

Ramesses IX made gifts to the high priest, which included gold and silver. There are visual representations of this act which still survive today at the site of Karnak.

He played a key role in the civil war that marked the end of the 20th Dynasty. During the reign of Ramesses XI, the Viceroy of Nubia, called Panehesy, attacked Thebes to restore order. Paneshy besieged the high priest at the fortified temple of Medinet Habu. It is not known if the High Priest, Amenhotep, survived this attack.


