From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
gmcoords.php is a PHP script that fetches coordinates from Google Maps and formats them for inclusion on Wikipedia articles. It is meant to be run locally from the command line. A variant of this script is used by my bot JMuniBot to semi-automatically tag Japanese municipality articles with geodata.
[edit] Notes
- Usage:
gmcoords.php [d|dm|dms] query
- The first argument is the desired accuracy: degrees, minutes, seconds
- On Mac OS X and Linux systems, it puts the resulting string in your clipboard for easy pasting, assuming you have
(part of the OS X developer tools) orxclip
installed. Otherwise it goes to stdout. - If you'd like to try it out
- copy and paste the code below into a text file on your machine,
- make the file executable (
chmod u+x gmcoords.php
) - run the file from the command line as suggested above.
- However, it won't work as-is; you must get your own Google Maps API key at and insert it for the value of the
variable. - You also need the cURL module for PHP. This may already be supplied with your PHP package.
- The default case assumes the following:
- The query is for a town, city, or village
- The town, city, or village is in Japan
- The appropriate precision for these cases is degrees+minutes
[edit] Example usage
user@mybox:~$ ./gmcoords.php 由仁町役場 Querying google for 由仁町役場 ... done Copying to X11 pasteboard: {{coor title dm|43|0|N|141|47|E|region:JP_type:city}}
I typically query for city halls (市役所) or town/village offices (町役場 or 村役場). Google usually has coordinates for these, except in the cases of (relatively) recently merged or renamed towns. In those cases I query the address listed on the ja: page; if that still doesn't work, I figure out which of the merged towns' offices became the new town office, and query that one.
[edit] Code
#!/usr/bin/php -f <?php $usage = "Usage: $argv[0] [d|dm|dms] query\n"; $debug = true; $key = 'GOOGLE MAPS API KEY GOES HERE'; // Handle arguments if (count($argv) == 3) { $accuracy = $argv[1]; switch ($accuracy) { case 'd': case 'dm': case 'dms': break; default: die($usage); } $query = $argv[2]; } elseif (count($argv) == 2) { $query = $argv[1]; // Default to degrees+minutes $accuracy = 'dm'; } else { die($usage); } // Perform query (requires cURL module for PHP) $query = str_replace(' ', '+', $query); $ch = curl_init("$query&output=csv&key=$key"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); echo 'Querying google for ' . $query . ' ... '; $reply = curl_exec($ch); echo "done\n"; if ($debug) echo "Google returned: $reply\n"; $coords = explode(',', $reply); // Handle errors from Google switch ($coords[0]) { case 602: die("Query not found\n"); case 610: die("Bad API key. Get one at\n"); } // Google returns (blah),(blah),(N coord),(E coord) so remove first 2 items array_shift($coords); array_shift($coords); // Convert decimal coords to dms switch ($accuracy) { case 'd': for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $degrees[$i] = round($coords[$i]); } $wiki = "{{coor title d|$degrees[0]|N|$degrees[1]|E|region:JP_type:city}}"; break; case 'dm': for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $degrees[$i] = (int) $coords[$i]; // regular modulus (%) only works on ints $decimal1 = fmod($coords[$i], 1); $minutes[$i] = round($decimal1 * 60); if ($minutes[$i] == 60) { $minutes[$i] = '0'; $degrees[$i]++; } } $wiki = "{{coor title dm|$degrees[0]|$minutes[0]|N|$degrees[1]|$minutes[1]|E|region:JP_type:city}}"; break; case 'dms': for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $degrees[$i] = (int) $coords[$i]; $decimal1 = fmod($coords[$i], 1); $minutes[$i] = (int) ($decimal1 * 60); $decimal2 = fmod($decimal1 * 60, 1); $seconds[$i] = round($decimal2 * 60); if ($seconds[$i] == 60) { $seconds[$i] = '0'; $minutes[$i]++; } if ($minutes[$i] == 60) { $minutes[$i] = '0'; $degrees[$i]++; } } $wiki = "{{coor title dms|$degrees[0]|$minutes[0]|$seconds[0]|N|$degrees[1]|$minutes[1]|$seconds[1]|E|region:JP_type:city}}"; break; default: die("Unknown error\n"); } // Copy to pasteboard if available if (exec("which xclip")) { echo "Copying to X11 pasteboard: $wiki\n"; exec("echo -n \"$wiki\" | xclip -selection clipboard"); } elseif (exec("which pbcopy")) { echo "Copying to OS X pasteboard: $wiki\n"; exec("echo -n \"$wiki\" | pbcopy"); } else { echo $wiki . "\n"; } ?>