User talk:Alwaysacoustic

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[edit] Always Acoustic™

It all started in 1989 when Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora played acoustically on the MTV Music Awards. Jon and Richie rocked the house! As MTV and VH1 started to create their own acoustic unplugged series, Always Acoustic™ became a bigger and bigger fan of acoustic music. Then in 2003 the digital music age was upon us.

In 2004, iTunes became extremely popular. Always Acoustic™ had purchased an iPod and did not realize the music that was available on iTunes. Always Acoustic™ heard acoustic music that was unheard of, to them, and they really enjoyed it. But that was not enough! They decided to look into other digital music web sites like Napster and Rhapsody.

They discovered their favorite artists had additional songs, not available on iTunes, as well as new artists they never heard of. So, they ended up purchasing additional acoustic music. But that was still not enough!

Always Acoustic™ realized that they are not only a huge fan of acoustic music but that they wanted to have their own program dedicated to it. So, in October 2006 Always Acoustic™ was established and trademarked.

Always Acoustic™ will be a show similar to MTV Unplugged or VH1 Unplugged but with a twist. However, due to funding issues, we cannot broadcast our show at this time. So, we have created our website and prepare concert and album reviews, as well as band and musician interviews for our site, which is called Always Acoustic™ News and Always Acoustic™ Album Review.

We mostly prepare concert and album reviews as well as interviews of major bands and musicians because we need to draw a significant interest to our site. Obviously, when a significant interest is drawn and the investors are in place we will be able to broadcast our show. Once our show is broadcasted, we are hoping to have the program available on iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, etc. in both audio and video.

The host and executive producer of Always Acoustic™ is Aaron Keker, pronounced Aaron Kecker.
