From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (talk) 02:14, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
=((Po/Psl)^0.19026-1)*288.15/-0.0065 what is this? It needs to be defined with a physics formula and explained.
I brought in the altimetry/bathymetry reference because it is a prime in-reference for altimetry, which is referred here. Feel free to rearrange as you see fit.--Natcase 03:17, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
See also the hillwalking article linked under "See also", which has an explanation of the barometric equation in a purer form. Galltywenallt 22:18, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
'an altimeter is an instrument that shows height above sea level, especially one mounted in an aircraft and incoporating an aneroid barometer that senses differences in pressure caused by changes in altitude.