Alt Eisen/Alt Eisen Riese

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The Alt Eisen is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Wars series. Its upgrade is known as the Alt Eisen Riese. It has appeared as a playable unit in Super Robot Wars Compact 2 Part 1, Part 3, Super Robot Wars Impact, and the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation series. Alt Eisen is German, meaning old iron or scrap iron and is part of a German expression, "zum alten Eisen gehören". Alt Eisen Riese means old iron giant or scrap iron giant.


[edit] Appearance

The Alt Eisen is predominantly red with black coloring on its joints and white on various parts of its front chassis and rear verniers. This unit is very bulky for its size and heavily armored, and it carries an extreme load of firepower as seen from its left arm mounted three-barreled machine cannon, a stake-like weapon on its right arm, and a pair of shoulder-mounted projectile launchers. Also, unique to the Alt Eisen is a protruding red horn located on its forehead.

The Alt Eisen Riese keeps the same color scheme and appears much bulkier than its original. The red horn on its forehead and the stake weapon on its right arm are greatly increased in size, the machine cannon has 2 additional barrels, and a pair of wings accompany the verniers for the machine.

The PTX-003C Alt Eisen

[edit] Technical And Historical

Created and designed by Dr. Marion Radom, the PTX-003C Alt Eisen uses the scrapped PTX-003 Gespenst Test Type as its base, designed to be a Personal Trooper that is able to break through enemy forces swiftly in one assault. This unit would specialize in close-to-mid range combat and only be equipped with solid weapons, as Marion was against the use of Extra-Over Technology. The left arm would be mounted with a three-barreled machine cannon, the right arm would be equipped with a powerful, close-range, armor-piercing Revolving Stake, and the shoulders would possess two large Heavy Claymore boxes to supplement its mid-range attacks.

The Alt Eisen would be Marion's bid for the next-generation, mass-production Personal Trooper of the Earth Federation Army as the Gespenst MK III, replacing the mass-produced Gespenst MK II M. However, the machine was utterly flawed: because of the heavy weight of the armor and the weapons, no pilot could effectively use it. Coupled along with the high production cost, the Alt Eisen was deemed too expensive to mass-produce. The only unit produced would be handed down to ATX Team member Kyosuke Nanbu when Marion realized that he was the only person who could ever utilize the Alt Eisen to its fullest. Kyosuke would use the Alt Eisen for the duration of the Divine Crusaders War and the L5 Campaign, alongside his girlfriend Excellen Browning and her Weiss Ritter, performing their signature combination attack, the Rampage Ghost.

In Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2, during the middle of the new Divine Crusaders War against the Neo Divine Crusaders, Kyosuke would request upgrades for his Alt Eisen. However, because he was sortied out battle after battle, there would not be enough time to grant his request until the machine was badly damaged against Axel Almer's Soulgain. Marion would comply with Kyosuke's list of upgrades, which were intended to fix the imbalancing issues the original had and strengthen its offensive capabilities. First, the Heat Horn on its forehead would be replaced by a Plasma Horn and the Revolving Stake with the Revolving Bunker, the original weapon that was intended for the Alt Eisen but deemed too impractical for use. Two more barrels were added to the machine cannon, and the boxes containing the Square Claymores were increased in capacity and firing rate. Additional verniers accompanied the original, giving the unit faster mobility and maneuverability, and more armor was placed, making it be able to tank more in battle. A Tesla Drive would also be installed into the chassis. Although a Tesla Drive would normally allow a machine flight capabilities, because of the added weight to the Alt Eisen, it could only hover just slightly above ground. Without the Tesla Drive, the unit would not even be able to stand up right, let alone even take a single step. Finally, a pair of stabilizer wings would fix the imbalance of the machine. The result was the PTX-003C-SP1 Alt Eisen Riese. This would be Kyosuke's unit for the remainder of the war against the Shadow-Mirror, Inspectors and Einst.

In the Shadow-Mirror universe, the Kyosuke of that dimension, under the codename Beowulf, pilots the Gespenst MK III, which is quite similar to the Original Generation universe's Alt Eisen Riese but given a blue color scheme in Original Generation 2. However this machine was never given a shameful code name of Alt Eisen(Old Iron) but accepted as successor of Gespenst MK II M and recieved proper name of Gespenst Mk III as it was originally intended to be when it was created. Beowulf's Gespenst Mk III in Original Generations is actually more than just a color switch, as members of the Shadow-Mirror noted that it looked slightly more inhuman, having red eyes instead of the usual green, and that it had regenerative capabilities. Also in the Drama CD of Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga it was confirmed that Gespenst Mk III had even more power output than super robot like Soulgain.

There is another Unit Called Alt Eisen Nacht. This unit was briefly playable in the beginning scenarios of the Original Generation 2 portion of Super Robot Wars Original Generations. While attempting to fool the forces of the Divine Crusader Remnants, Kyosuke repainted his red Alt Eisen, turning it blue. Excellen noticed the difference, even giving it the designation of Nacht for the machine. Sadly, the Remnants saw through Kyosuke's deception, and he aptly switched back to the original colors.

A similar machine, also called the Alt Eisen Nacht, will appear in the Super Robot Wars spin-off, Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga. Despite its name being same as original Alt Eisen's blue painted version its appearance is more close to that of Gespenst MK III from Shadow Mirror's universe.

[edit] Specifications

[edit] Alt Eisen

Height: 22.2 meters

Weight: 85.4 tons

Weapons Systems:

  • Autocannon
    Mounted on the left arm, the Alt Eisen fires a three-barreled machine cannon linked in a gatling gun fashion.
  • Heat Horn
    The horn mounted on the forehead is charged with energy, allowing the Alt Eisen to cut its target with a swing of its head.
  • Revolving Stake
    A set of six charges that are linked to an oversized stake. The Alt Eisen begins by slamming the stake into its target and fires a charge. When the charge is detonated, the stake is fired forward quickly, penetrating deep into the target's armor before retracting back into its original position, making this weapon extremely powerful against weaker Personal Troopers and Armored Modules.
Although the Heavy Claymore weapon is a ranged weapon, it is usually classified as a melee weapon, presumably to take advantage of the pilot's focus on melee-based attacks.
  • Trump Card (Kirifuda in the original Japanese version)
    Not exactly a weapon, the Trump Card is a series of precision timed attacks from the primary weapons of the Alt Eisen. The attack animation varies from game to game, but usually begins with the Alt Eisen firing the Autocannon, followed by the Heat Horn, and ending with the Revolving Stake or Heavy Claymore. The Alt Eisen would empty all six charges in order to maximize the damage done by the Revolving Stake. The Trump Card is unique in that it can only be performed once every time the Alt Eisen is sent out into battle.
  • Rampage Ghost
    Kyosuke and Excellen's signature attack combination. There are different attack animations depending on the game:
    • In Original Generation, the Alt Eisen rushes in first, while the Weiss Ritter fires its Triple Beam Cannon attack. A successful hit allows the Alt to deliver its Heat Horn attack, followed by a returning attack of the Weiss's Oxtongue Launcher E at point-blank range. To end it off, the Alt uses its Revolver Stake while the Weiss simultaneously stabs the enemy with its Plasma Cutter.
    • In Original Generation 2, the attack animation is the same as Original Generation's, albeit the Weiss uses its Oxtongue Launcher B attack instead of its Plasma Cutter at point-blank range.
    • In Original Generations, the attack begins with both mecha flying towards the enemy while the Alt Eisen empties its entire arsenal of its Heavy Claymore attack. The Weiss Ritter supports the Alt with the E mode of the Oxtongue Launcher. The target is juggled into the air by the shots as the Alt and Weiss position themselves on both sides a short distance away. Both machines then frantically charge at the unit, attacking with the Alt's Autocannon and the Weiss's Triple Beam Cannon before slamming into the enemy from both sides with the Revolver Stake and Oxtongue Launcher B, emptying their clips into the unit at point-blank range. The Alt and Weiss retreat away as the enemy is engulfed in a cataclysmic explosion.

[edit] Alt Eisen Riese

Height: 23.8 meters

Weight: 99.7 tons

Weapons Systems:

  • Chaingun
    Mounted on the left arm, the Alt Eisen Riese fires a five-barreled machine cannon linked in a gatling gun fashion.
  • Plasma Horn
    Charged with electrical energy, the Plasma Horn has greater damage than its Heat Horn predecessor.
  • Revolving Bunker
    The original weapon intended for the Alt Eisen, the mechanics behind the Revolving Bunker are exactly the same as the Revolving Stake except that it yields greater damage. While the Alt Eisen Riese usually fires only one charge in past incarnations, the attack animation seen in Original Generations has the Riese unload all six charges and proceed to reload with a Personal Trooper-sized speedloader.
  • Claymore Avalanche
    The upgraded version of the Heavy Claymore, the Claymore Avalanche fires a significantly greater number of titanium ball bearings at a faster rate. Like the Heavy Claymore, this attack can damage multiple enemies, as seen in Original Generations.
  • Claymore Overlord (Aerial Claymore in the original Japanese version)
    Similar to the Trump Card, this is a series of precision timed attacks utilizing the Alt Eisen Riese's arsenal. While the attack animation varies from game to game, it usually begins with the Chaingun, followed by the Plasma Horn, Revolving Bunker, and finally the Claymore Avalanche.
  • Rampage Ghost
    Kyosuke and Excellen's signature combination attack. There are different attack animations depending on the game:
    • In Impact, the Weiss Ritter launches 4 sets of Split Missiles. A successful hit allows the Alt Eisen Riese to deliver its Plasma Horn attack, sending the enemy flying away, followed by a returning attack of the Weiss's Oxtongue Launcher E at point-blank range. To end it off, the Alt uses its Revolving Bunker while the Weiss simultaneously stabs the enemy with its Plasma Cutter.
    • In Original Generation 2, both the Alt Eisen Riese and the Rein Weiss Ritter fire their Chaingun and Triple Beam Cannon attack, respectively. The Alt rushes while the Weiss uses its Howling Launcher E attack. A successful hit allows the Alt to deliver its Plasma Horn attack, sending the enemy unit flying directly into the energy beam from the Howling Launcher. The Alt then drives its Revolving Bunker into the enemy, setting off all 6 of its charges, resulting in the enemy flying off. The Weiss returns a Howling Launcher B attack at point-blank range, and with the Alt, simulataneously unleash the Howling Launcher X and Claymore Avalanche attacks, ending the combination attack.
    • In Original Generations, while the Rein Weiss Ritter unleashes a barrage of its Howling Launcher E-Mode on the enemy, the Alt charges its Plasma Horn and pierces the unit and sends it flying away. The Weiss returns with a few shots of the Howling Launcher B-Mode and the Alt unloads its Claymore Avalanche attack. As the Weiss charges its Howling Launcher into its X-Mode, the Alt slams the Revolving Bunker into the enemy and delivers it into the path of the X-Mode's beam. The impact from both attacks is so great that the enemy explodes in a cataclysmic fashion while the Alt and Weiss look on from far away.