Alpinia nutans

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Alpinia nutans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Subfamily: Alpinioideae
Tribe: Alpinieae
Genus: Alpinia
Species: A. nutans
Binomial name
Alpinia nutans

Alpinia nutans (Shellflower, Dwarf cardamom; syn. Alpinia speciosa K.Schum., Amomum compactum Roem. & Schult., Catimbium nutans Juss., Costus zerumbet Pers., Globba nutans Redoute, Languas speciosa Small, Renealmia nutans Andrews, Zerumbet speciosum H.Wendl) is a Southeast Asian plant of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), which is often used as a medicinal plant.

[edit] Characteristics

Its flowers have a porcelain look, are shell-like and bloom prolifically on a 30-cm stalk. The flower's single fertile stamen has a massive anther. The globose white stigma of the pistil extends beyond the tip of the anther. The foliage of Alpinia nutans is evergreen in areas that do not have a hard freeze. It has a very distinctive cardamom fragrance when brushed or rubbed, but this is NOT the plant that produces the spice by that name.

[edit] External links
