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Almabtrieb in Kufstein, Austria
Almabtrieb in Kufstein, Austria

The Almabtrieb (German language literally: drive from the mountain pasture) is an annual event in the alpine regions in Europe, referring to a cow train in autumn.

During summer, all over the alpine regions cow herds feed on alpine pastures high up in the mountains (a practice known as yaylag pastoralism). In numbers, these amount to about 500,000 cows in Austria, and 50,000 in Germany.

In autumn, these herds are led to their stables down in the valley, in the Almabtrieb cow train. In case there were no accidents during the summer, in many areas the cows are decorated elaborately, and the cow train is celebrated with music and dance events in the towns and villages.

In many places this alpine custom of Almabtrieb has nowadays evolved into a major tourist attraction, focusing on the marketing of local products and alcoholic beverages.

In spring, the herds are once more led to the alpine pastures, in the Almauftrieb, which is however not celebrated.

[edit] See also