Allied leaders of World War I

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The Allied Leaders of World War I consists of the political and military figures that fought or supported the Allies during World War I.


[edit] Flag of RussiaRussia

  • Nicholas II - Tsar of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland.

Nicholas II was the last Tsar of Russia from 1894 to 1917. During World War I, Nicholas was unable to manage a country in political turmoil and command its army in World War I. While the war was still going on, because of the failure of government to produce supplies, Russia was facing hardship, which create massive riots and rebellions. People start to go on strikes in Petrograd. His rule ended with the Russian Revolution. Nicholas was killed in 17 July 1918 .

  • Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich - Commander-in-chief and viceroy in the Caucasus
  • Alexander Samsonov - Commander of the Russian Second Army for the invasion of East Prussia
  • Paul von Rennenkampf - Commander of the Russian First Army for the invasion of East Prussia
  • Nikolai Ivanov - Commander of the Russian army on the Southwestern Front, responsible for much of the action in Galicia
  • Aleksei Brusilov - Commander of the South-West Front, then provisional Commander-in-Chief after the Tsar's abdication

[edit] Flag of FranceFrance

(Treaty of Versailles) Georges Clemenceau largely represented the people of France in that he wanted revenge upon the German nation. Clemenceau wanted to impose policies deliberately meant to cripple Germany militarily, politically, and economically. Clemenceau's intentions were to weaken Germany’s military to be not only for the time being, but permanently weakened so that they are unable to invade France again. Clemenceau also wanted to destroy the Kaiser (who had abdicated towards the end of the war and fled to the Netherlands). George Clemenceau of France wanted reparations from Germany to rebuild the war-torn country.

  • Joseph Joffre - Commander-in-Chief of the French Army and Marshal of France
  • Ferdinand Foch - Commander-in-Chief of the French Army and Marshal of France
  • Robert Nivelle - Commander-in-Chief of the French Army
  • Philippe Pétain - Commander-in-Chief of the French Army and Marshal of France

[edit] Flag of the United KingdomUnited Kingdom

  • George V - King of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth Realms, Emperor of India
  • H. H. Asquith - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • David Lloyd George - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

(Treaty of Versailles) Lloyd George had wanted a fair peace. They wanted the Germans to pay for causing the war. The British public wanted a harsh peace from Germany. Lloyd George could not ignore their sentiments as he will be going for election soon and he do not wish to lose in the elections by not agreeing with the public sentiments against the Germany. As mentioned above, he wanted a fair peace and not a harsh peace. If Germans were punished too harshly, they will seek revenge. This will then start another war in the future.

[edit] Flag of SerbiaSerbia

[edit] Flag of BelgiumBelgium

[edit] Flag of ItalyItaly

[edit] Flag of RomaniaRomania

[edit] Flag of the United StatesUnited States of America

(Treaty of Versailles) Since World War I was a European affair, the American public demanded that the USA pay no more attentions to the Europeans anymore. The Europeans should be left by themselves. Wilson agreed that the Europeans must learn to live peacefully with one another. Therefore hee proposed setting up the League of Nations. This will enable all countries to discuss their differences peacefully with one another rather than going to war. Wilson also wanted a fair peace so that there is a long lasting peace in Europe. He therefore introduced his fourteen points to the delegates that it was in their interest to accept it to ensure a long lasting peace.

[edit] Flag of JapanJapan

[edit] See also