
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Sam's Wikipedia Tentpeg

I'm a big Wikipedia user, but don't edit much. Most of the edits I've made are small spelling corrections and the like, however those probably won't show up because I don't log in often.

My interests include Linux (KDE, PHP, UI prettyfication - loving QTcurve glass theme), and obviously computers in general. I have an old iMac G3 (Summer 2001) which I love and use for most things despite the Linux box beside it being about three times more powerful. Have just gotten into virtualisation, which is great - I have a thing for playing around with all the old OS's everyone had forgotten existed (QNX and it's Photon GUI, anyone?). I also have a keen interest in networking systems, and plan to study that at university.

In the Real World, I'm nearing the end of my second and last year of a BND IT for Practitioners course (a BND is something almost no-one seams to have heard of - it's a Further Education course, assesed entirely on coursework, lasting two years and worth three A-levels), and hoping to progress into university.

[edit] Notes to self

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