Talk:Ali/Obligatory to love Ali
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[edit] Obligatory to love Ali
Statement of it being obligatory to love Ali is being made.
Ibn Abbas narrated: When the above verse (42:23) was revealed, the companions asked: "O' the Messenger of Allah! Who are those near kin whose love Allah has made obligatory for us?" Upon that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: "Ali, Fatimah, and their two sons." He (PBUH&HF) repeated this sentence thrice. Sunni references:
Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, Part 27, pp 165-166 Tafsir al-Tha'labi, under the commentary of verse 42:23 of Quran Tafsir al-Tabari, by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, under verse 42:23 Tafsir al-Qurtubi, under commentary of verse 42:23 of Quran Tafsir al-Kashshaf, by al-Zamakhshari, under commentary of verse 42:23 Tafsir al-Baidhawi, under the commentary of verse 42:23 of Quran Tafsir al-Kalbi, under commentary of verse 42:23 of Quran al-Madarik, in connection with verse 42:23 Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by Muhibbuddin al-Tabari, p25 Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p259 Shawahid al-Tanzeel, Hakim Hasakani, al-Hanafi, v2, p132 Many others such as Ibn Abi Hatam, al-Tabarani, etc.
--Zereshk 01:44, 12 November 2005 (UTC)
Argument is not contested
Maulana Muhammad Ali in his translation of the Qur'an (footnote 2226) says "Commentators generally think that the love enjoined her in respect of relationship signifies loving the offspring of the Prophet, but there is nothing in the words which entitles us to place that limitation upon the words" and he goes on to interpret the phrase as "your own relatives". The Arabic contains no possessive enclitics to indicate whose relatives. The context does not suggest that it is the prophet's relatives who are intended. This non-Mulsim tends to agree with Ahmadiya commentator that this does not mean it is obligatory to love Ali because it does not mean it is obligatory to love the Prophet's offspring. Hence it is not necessary to produce hadiths (and ones that alBukhari ignores) to prove that Ali somehow counts as an offspring of the Prophet. Kleinecke 23:11, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
The meaning of this verse according to Muhammed Esed In his english translation of this Sura (found on various websites, including ) and following tafsîr, Muhammed Esed states:
"Lit., "love for those who are near (al-qurba)". Some commentators take this to mean "those who are near to me", i.e., Muhammad's kinsfolk: but quite apart from the objection that such a "personal" demand would conflict with the preceding assurance, "No reward do I ask of you", the deliberate omission of any possessive pronoun in respect of the term al-qurba indicates that it is not limited to any personal relationship but, rather, alludes to a relationship common to all human beings: namely, the fellowship of man - a concept which implies the fundamental ethical postulate to care for one another's material and spiritual welfare." - Hamid Al-Maghraby, 18 September 2006