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First Aliyah: Biluim wearing traditional Arab headdress, the keffiyeh.
First Aliyah: Biluim wearing traditional Arab headdress, the keffiyeh.

Aliyah (Hebrew: עלייה Translit.: Aliya Translated: ascent) refers to Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel (and since its establishment in 1948, the State of Israel). The opposite action, Jewish emigration from Israel, is referred to as Yerida ("descent").


[edit] Religious, ideological and cultural concept

Aliyah is widely regarded as an important Jewish cultural concept and a fundamental concept of Zionism that is enshrined in Israel's Law of Return, which permits any Jew the legal right to assisted immigration and settlement in Israel, as well as automatic Israeli citizenship. A Jew who makes aliyah is called an oleh (m. singular) or olah (f. singular), the plural for both is olim. Many Religious Jews espouse aliyah as a return to the Promised land, and regard it as the fulfillment of God's biblical promise to the descendants of the Hebrew patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Aliyah is included as a commandment by some opinions on the enumeration of the 613 commandments.

In Zionist discourse, the term aliyah (plural aliyot) includes both voluntary immigration for ideological, emotional, or practical reasons and, on the other hand, mass flight of persecuted populations of Jews. The vast majority of Israeli Jews today trace their family's recent roots to outside of the country. While many have actively chosen to settle in Israel rather than some other country, many had little or no choice about leaving their previous home countries. While Israel is commonly recognized as "a country of immigrants", it is also, in large measure, a country of refugees.

According to the most common traditional Jewish ordering of books of the Bible, the very last word of the Bible (i.e. the last word in the original Hebrew of verse 2 Chronicles 36:23) is veya`al, a "jussive" verb form derived from the same root as aliyah, meaning "let him go up" (to Israel).

[edit] Historical background

Aliyah 1948-2000: by numbers and by source.

Mass return to the Land of Israel is a recurring theme in Jewish prayers recited every day, three times a day, and holiday services on Passover and Yom Kippur traditionally conclude with the words "Next year in Jerusalem." For generations, however, aliyah was associated with the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Jews prayed for their Messiah to come, who was to redeem the Land of Israel from gentile rule and return world Jewry to the land under a Halachic theocracy.

[edit] Pre-Zionist aliyah (1200-1882)

The number of Jews returning to the Land of Israel from the Jewish Diaspora rose significantly between the 13th and 19th centuries, mainly due to a general decline in the status of Jews across Europe and an increase in religious persecution. The expulsion of Jews from England (1290), France (1391), Austria (1421) and Spain (the Alhambra decree of 1492) were seen by many as a sign of approaching redemption and contributed greatly to the messianic spirit of the time.

Aliyah was also spurred during this period by the resurgence of messianic fervor among the Jews of France, Italy, the Germanic states, Poland, Russia and North Africa. The belief in the imminent coming of the Jewish Messiah, the ingathering of the exiles and the re-establishment of the kingdom of Israel encouraged many who had few other options to make the perilous journey to the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).

Pre-Zionist resettlement in Palestine met with various degrees of success. For example, little is known of the fate of the 1210 "aliyah of the three hundred rabbis" and their descendants. It is thought that few survived the bloody upheavals caused by the Crusader invasion in 1229 and their subsequent expulsion by the Muslims in 1291. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 and the expulsion of Jews from Spain (1492) and Portugal (1498), many Jews made their way to the Holy Land. Then the immigration in the 18th and early 19th centuries of thousands of followers of various Kabbalist and Hassidic rabbis, as well as the disciples of the Vilna Gaon and the disciples of the Chattam Sofer, added considerably to the Jewish populations in Jerusalem, Tiberias, Hebron, and Safed.

The messianic dreams of the Gaon of Vilna inspired one of the largest pre-Zionist waves of immigration to Eretz Yisrael. In 1808, hundreds of the Gaon's disciples, known as Perushim, settled in Tiberias and Safed, and later formed the core of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem. [1][2] This was part of a larger movement of thousands of Jews from countries as widely spaced as Persia and Morocco, Yemen and Russia, who moved to Israel beginning in the first decade of the nineteenth century - and in even larger numbers after the conquest of the region by Muhammad Ali of Egypt in 1832 - all drawn by the expectation of the arrivval of the Messiah in the Jewish year 5600, English year 1840, a movement documented in Arie Morgenstern's Hastening Redemption.

There were also those who like the British mystic Laurence Oliphant tried to lease Northern Palestine to settle the Jews there (1879).

[edit] Zionist Aliyah (From 1882)

In Zionist history, the different waves of aliyah, beginning with the arrival of the Biluim from Russia in 1882, are often categorized by date and the country of origin of the immigrants.

[edit] First Aliyah (1882-1903)

Main article: First Aliyah

Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine, then a province of the Ottoman Empire. The majority, belonging to the Hibbat Zion and Bilu movements, came from the Russian Empire with a smaller number arriving from Yemen. Many established agricultural communities. Among the towns that these individuals established are Petah Tikva (already in 1878), Rishon LeZion, Rosh Pina, and Zikhron Ya'aqov. In 1882, the Yemenite Jews established a new suburb of Jerusalem called the Yemenite Village in Silwan located south-east of the walls of the Old City on the slopes of the Mount of Olives.

[edit] Second Aliyah (1904-1914)

Main article: Second Aliyah

Between 1904 and 1914, 40,000 Jews immigrated mainly from Russia to Palestine following pogroms and outbreaks of anti-semitism in that country. This group, many of whom were infused with socialist ideals, established the first kibbutz, Degania, in 1909 and formed self defense organizations, such as Hashomer, to counter increasing Arab hostility and to help Jews to protect their communities from Arab bandits. The suburb of Jaffa, Ahuzat Bayit, established at this time, grew into the city of Tel Aviv. During this period, some of the underpinnings of an independent nation-state arose: The national language Hebrew was revived; newspapers and literature written in Hebrew published; political parties and workers organizations were established. The First World War effectively ended the period of the Second Aliyah.

[edit] Third Aliyah (1919-1923)

Aliyah to Israel and settlement
Pre-Zionist Aliyah
Prior to the founding of Israel

After the founding of Israel

Related topics

Jewish historyJewish diasporaHistory of the Jews in the Land of IsraelYishuvHistory of Zionism (Timeline) • Revival of Hebrew languageReligious ZionismHaredim and ZionismAnti-Zionism

v  d  e
Main article: Third Aliyah

Between 1919 and 1923, 40,000 Jews, mainly from the Russian Empire arrived in the wake of World War I, the British conquest of Palestine; the establishment of the Mandate, and the Balfour Declaration. Many of these were pioneers, known as halutzim, trained in agriculture and capable of establishing self sustaining economies. In spite of immigration quotas established by the British administration, the population of Jews reached 90,000 by the end of this period. The Jezreel Valley and the Hefer Plain marshes were drained and converted to agricultural use. Additional national institutions arose: The Histadrut (General Labor Federation); an elected assembly; national council; and the Haganah. Few of these individuals left the country.

[edit] Fourth Aliyah (1924-1929)

Main article: Fourth Aliyah

Between 1924 and 1929, 82,000 Jews arrived, many as a result of anti-semitism in Poland and Hungary. The immigration quotas of the United States kept Jews out. This group contained many middle class families that moved to the growing towns, establishing small businesses and light industry. FBB

Of these approximately 23,000 left the country.

[edit] Fifth Aliyah (1929-1939)

Main article: Fifth Aliyah

Between 1929 and 1939, with the rise of Nazism in Germany, a new wave of 250,000 immigrants arrived, the majority of these, 174,000, arrived between 1933-1936, after which increasing restrictions on immigration by the British made immigration clandestine and illegal, called Aliyah Bet. The Fifth Aliyah was again driven mostly from Eastern Europe as well as professionals, doctors, lawyers and professors, from Germany. Refugee artists introduced Bauhaus (Tel Aviv has the highest concentration of Bauhaus architecture in the world) and founded the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra. With the completion of the port at Haifa and its oil refineries, significant industry was added to the predominantly agricultural economy. The Jewish population reached 450,000 by 1940.

At the same time, tensions between Arabs and Jews grew during this period, leading to a series of Arab riots against the Jews in 1929 that left many dead and resulted in the depopulation of the Jewish community in Hebron. This was followed by more violence during the "Great Uprising" of 1936-1939. In response to the ever increasing tension between the Arabic and Jewish communities married with the various commitments the British faced at the dawn of World War II , the British issued the White Paper of 1939, which severely restricted Jewish immigration to 75,000 people for five years . This served to create a relatively peaceful 8 years in Palestine while tragically The Holocaust unfolded in Europe.

Shortly after their rise to power, the Nazis negotiated The Transfer Agreement with Zionists under which 50,000 Jews and $100 million of their assets would be moved to Palestine.[4]

[edit] Aliyah Bet: Illegal immigration (1933-1948)

July 15, 1945. Buchenwald survivors arrive in Haifa to be arrested by the British
July 15, 1945. Buchenwald survivors arrive in Haifa to be arrested by the British
Main article: Aliya Bet

The British government limited Jewish immigration to Palestine with quotas, and following the rise of Nazism to power in Germany, illegal immigration to Palestine commenced. The illegal immigration was known as Aliyah Bet ("secondary immigration"), or Ha'apalah, and was organized by the Mossad Le'aliyah Bet, as well as by the Irgun. Immigration was done mainly by sea, and to a lesser extent overland through Iraq and Syria. Beginning in 1939 Jewish immigration was further restricted, limiting it to 75,000 individuals for a period of five years after which immigration was to end completely. The British made it illegal to sell land to Jews in 95% of the Mandate.[citation needed] During World War II and the years that followed until independence, Aliyah Bet became the main form of Jewish immigration to Palestine.

Following the war, Berihah ("flight"), an organization of former partisans and ghetto fighters was primarily responsible for smuggling Jews from Poland and Eastern Europe to the Italian ports from which they traveled to Palestine.

Despite British efforts to curb the illegal immigration, during the 14 years of its operation, 110,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine.

In 1945 reports of the Holocaust with its 6 million Jewish dead caused many Jews in Palestine to turn openly against the British Mandate, and illegal immigration escalated rapidly as many Holocaust survivors joined the Aliyah.

[edit] Immigration from 1948-1950

After Aliyah Bet, the process of numbering or naming individual aliyot ceased, but immigration did not. A major wave of immigration of over half a million Jews went to Israel between 1948 and 1950, many fleeing renewed persecution in Eastern Europe, and increasingly hostile Arab countries.

This period of immigration is often termed kibbutz galuyot (literally, ingathering of diasporas), due to the large number of Jewish diaspora communities that made aliyah. However, kibbutz galuyot can also refer to aliyah in general.

[edit] Middle Eastern Jews

Yemenite Jews on their way to Israel
Yemenite Jews on their way to Israel

In the course of Operation Magic Carpet (1949-1950), the entire community of Yemenite Jews (about 49,000) emigrated to Israel. Most of them had never seen an airplane before, but they believed in the Biblical prophecy that according to the Book of Isaiah (40:31), God promised to return the children of Israel to Zion on "wings".

1952. Ma'abarah, a tent city for Jewish refugees in Israel
1952. Ma'abarah, a tent city for Jewish refugees in Israel

In three and a half years, the Jewish population of Israel had doubled, inflated by nearly 700,000 immigrants, which was one of the causes of the austerity. Huge numbers of Jewish refugees were temporarily settled in "cities of tents" called Ma'abarot. Their population was gradually absorbed into Israeli society. The Ma'abarot existed until 1958.

Many Israeli immigrants were Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews who left Arab countries to move to Israel. In many of these cases they had been persecuted and sometimes forced to leave their homes. 114,000 Jews came from Iraq in 1951 in Operation Ezra and Nehemiah.

Over 30,000 Iranian Jews immigrated to Israel following the Islamic Revolution. Most Iranian Jews, however, settled in the United States (especially in Los Angeles).

[edit] Ethiopian Aliyah

Main article: Aliyah from Ethiopia

The massive airlift known as Operation Moses began to bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel on November 18, 1985 and ended on January 5. During those six weeks, some 6,500-8,000 Ethiopian Jews were flown from Sudan to Israel. An estimated 2,000-4,000 Jews died en route to Sudan or in Sudanese refugee camps.

In 1991, Operation Solomon was launched to rescue the Beta Israel Jews of Ethiopia. In one day, May 24, 34 aircraft landed at Addis Ababa and brought 14,325 Jews from Ethiopia to Israel.

Since that time, Ethiopian Jews have continued to immigrate to Israel bringing the number of Ethiopian-Israelis today to over 100,000.

[edit] Aliyah from the Soviet Union and post-Soviet states

January 10, 1973. Soviet authorities break up a demonstration of Jewish refuseniks in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the right to immigrate to Israel
January 10, 1973. Soviet authorities break up a demonstration of Jewish refuseniks in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the right to immigrate to Israel
Year Exit visas
to Israel
Olim from
the USSR[3]
1968 231 231
1969 3,033 3,033
1970 999 999
1971 12,897 12,893
1972 31,903 31,652
1973 34,733 33,277
1974 20,767 16,888
1975 13,363 8,435
1976 14,254 7,250
1977 16,833 8,350
1978 28,956 12,090
1979 51,331 17,278
1980 21,648 7,570
1981 9,448 1,762
1982 2,692 731
1983 1,314 861
1984 896 340
1985 1,140 348
1986 904 201

A mass emigration was politically undesirable for the Soviet regime. The only acceptable ground was family reunification, and a formal petition ("вызов", vyzov) from a relative from abroad was required for the processing to begin. Often, the result was a formal refusal. The risks to apply for an exit visa compounded because the entire family had to quit their jobs, which in turn would make them vulnerable to charges of social parasitism, a criminal offense. Because of these hardships, Israel set up the group Lishkat Hakesher in the early 1950s to maintain contact and promote aliyah with Jews behind the Iron Curtain.

In the wake of Israel's victory in the Six-Day War in 1967, the USSR broke off the diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. Anti-Zionist propaganda campaign in the state-controlled mass media and the rise of Zionology were accompanied by harsher discrimination of the Soviet Jews. By the end of 1960s, Jewish cultural and religious life in the Soviet Union had become practically impossible, and the majority of Soviet Jews were assimilated and non-religious, but this new wave of state-sponsored anti-Semitism on one hand, and the sense of pride for victorious Jewish nation over Soviet-armed Arab armies on the other, stirred up Zionist feelings.

After the Dymshits-Kuznetsov hijacking affair and the crackdown that followed, strong international condemnations caused the Soviet authorities to increase the emigration quota. In the years 1960-1970, the USSR let only 4,000 people leave; in the following decade, the number rose to 250,000 [4]. Many of those allowed to leave to Israel chose other destinations, most notably the United States. In 1989 a record 71,000 Soviet Jews were granted exodus from the USSR, of whom only 12,117 emigrated to Israel. Since the dissolution of the USSR, over one million Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel. See The collapse of the Soviet Union and Jewish emigration to Israel and Jackson-Vanik amendment.

[edit] Recent trends

Since the mid 1990s, there has been a steady stream of South African Jews, American Jews, and French Jews who have either made aliyah, or purchased property in Israel for potential future immigration. Specifically, many French Jews have purchased homes in Israel as insurance due to the rising rate of anti-Semitism in France in recent years [5].

The Bnei Menashe Jews from India, which were only recently discovered and recognised by mainstream Judaism as descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes, slowly started their Aliyah in the early 1990s and continue arriving in slow numbers.

Organizations such as Nefesh B'Nefesh and Shavei Israel help with aliyah by supporting financial aid and guidance on a variety of topics such as finding work, learning Hebrew, and assimilation into Israeli culture.

In early 2007 Haaretz reported that aliyah for the year of 2006 was down approximately 9% from 2005. They state that: "Only 19,264 people immigrated to Israel in 2006, down nine percent from 2005. It is the lowest number of immigrants recorded since 1988" [5].

On 20th April 2007, the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth (ידיעות אחרונות) reported that 14,400 immigrants are expected in 2007 while 20,000 are expected to leave the country [6]. The reports also state that: "...approximately a quarter of the Israeli population was considering emigration" and that "Almost half of the country's young people were thinking of leaving the country."

In 2007 The Jerusalem Post reported that: "For the first time in over two decades, it was reported last week, Israel will likely experience a net negative migration rate in 2007" [7]. The same article the The Jerusalem Post also wrote:

  • " is estimated that more Jews will actually leave Israel than move here this year - something that hasn't happened since 1984."
  • "...a total of just 14,400 new immigrants are expected here [in Israel] this year, or 5,000 less than the number anticipated to relocate abroad."
  • "[This] marks the continuation of an alarming trend that began seven years ago, when the number of people making aliya began spiraling downward, falling from 61,542 in 2000 to just 19,267 last year."
  • "...various Israeli public figures have been sounding the alarm in recent years, stressing the need to bolster Israel's Jewish population through immigration and absorption by calling on Diaspora Jewry to come home to Israel ... But with the pool of potential immigrants from Russia and the former Soviet states shrinking rapidly, and large-scale aliya from the West not yet at hand, the prospects of this occurring appear marginal at best."

[edit] Argentine Aliyah

In the 1999–2002 Argentine political and economic crisis that caused a run on the banks, wiped out billions of dollars in deposits and decimated the country's middle class, most of Argentina's estimated 200,000 Jews were directly affected. Some chose to start over and move to Israel, where they saw opportunity.

More than 10,000 Jews from Argentina immigrated to Israel since 2000, joining the thousands of previous olim already there. The crisis in Argentina also affected its neighbour country Uruguay, from which over 500 Jews made aliyah in the same period. During 2002 and 2003 the Jewish Agency for Israel launched an intensive public campaign to promote aliyah from the region, and offered additional economical aid for immigrants from Argentina. Although the Argentinean economy improved, Jews continue to immigrate to Israel, albeit in smaller numbers than before.

[edit] French Aliyah

See also: History of the Jews in France

From 2001 to 2005, 11,148 Jews made Aliyah from France, including a 35-year high in 2005, with 3,300 immigrants.[citation needed] With the start of the Second Intifada in Israel, anti-Semitic incidents increased in France. In 2002, the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (Human Rights Commission) reported six times more anti-Semitic incidents than in 2001 (193 incidents in 2002). The commission's statistics showed that anti-Semitic acts constituted 62% of all racist acts in the country (compared to 45% in 2001 and 80% in 2000). The report documented 313 violent acts against people or property, including 38 injuries and the murder of someone with Maghrebin origins by Muslims and white power skinheads.[6] Since 2005, the number of acts dropped but is still at a significantly higher level than during the previous decade.

[edit] North American Aliyah

There are approximately 110,000 North American immigrants in Israel. There has been a steady flow of olim from North America since Israel’s inception in 1948. Record numbers arrived in the late 1960s after the Six-Day War, and in the 1970s. Many immigrants began arriving in Israel after the Intifada, with a total of 3,052 arriving in 2005 — the highest number since 1983. Like Western European olim, North Americans tend to immigrate to Israel more for religious, ideological and political purposes, and not financial ones[citation needed]. Nefesh B'Nefesh, founded in 2002 by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart, works to encourage Aliyah from North America and the UK by providing English Language assistance for potential olim, streamlining the process already offered by the Jewish Agency and Israeli Government.

[edit] Statistics

The number of immigrants to Israel during 1919-2006 period is given in the table below.[8] The table details the number of olim for the specific time periods by country of birth. (For the year 2006, the last country of residence is also given).

Region 2006 LCR 2006 COB 2005 2000-04 1990-99 1980-89 1972-79 1961-71 1952-60 1948-51 1919-1948 TOTAL
GRAND TOTAL 19,269 19,269 21,180 60,647 956,319 153,833 267,580 427,828 297,138 687,624 482,857 3,374,275
Asia 1,777 1,261 2,239 8,048 61,305 14,433 19,456 56,208 37,119 237,704 40,895 478,668
Iran 74 90 146 449 0 8,487 9,550 19,502 15,699 21,910 75,833
Afghanistan 0 0 2 0 0 57 132 516 1,106 2,303 4,116
India 304 308 61 211 1,717 1,539 3,497 13,110 5,380 2,176 27,999
Turkey 67 70 61 131 1,095 2,088 3,118 14,073 6,871 34,547 62,054
Israel 0 192 105 69 954 288 507 1,021 868 411 4,415
Lebanon 0 7 8 4 0 179 564 2,208 846 235 4,051
Syria 0 0 4 16 0 995 842 3,121 1,870 2,678 9,526
China 10 14 4 16 192 78 43 96 217 504 1,164
Iraq 11 11 12 50 0 111 939 3,509 2,989 123,371 130,992
Yemen 9 10 4 3 0 17 51 1,066 1,170 48,315 50,636
Other 14 26 18 29 7,362 594 213 349 103 1,254 9,948
USSR (As) 1,287 533 1,814 7,069 49,524 58,940
Africa 3,801 4,508 4,518 2,912 48,558 28,664 19,273 164,885 143,485 93,282 4,041 514,126
Ethiopia 3,595 3,595 3,573 2,213 39,651 16,965 306 98 59 10 66,470
South Africa 114 139 135 202 2,918 3,575 5,604 3,783 774 666 17,796
Libya 0 3 3 6 0 66 219 2,466 2,079 30,972 35,814
Egypt/ Sudan 0 19 17 15 176 352 535 2,963 17,521 16,024 37,622
Morocco 53 233 284 205 2,623 3,809 7,780 130,507 95,945 28,263 269,649
Algeria 0 275 280 131 1,317 1,830 2,137 12,857 3,433 3,810 26,070
Tunisia 32 236 218 125 1,251 1,942 2,148 11,566 23,569 13,293 54,348
Other 6 8 8 15 888 125 544 645 105 244 2,582
Europe 9,872 10,063 10,736 46,516 812,079 70,898 183,419 162,070 106,305 332,802 377,381 2,112,269
Austria 12 12 24 23 317 356 595 1,021 610 2,632 5,590
Italy 42 37 35 40 595 510 713 940 414 1,305 4,589
Nordic 36 34 35 41 1,071 1,178 903 886 131 85 4,364
Bulgaria 22 19 38 199 3,673 180 118 794 1,680 37,260 43,961
Belgium 91 78 70 102 891 788 847 1,112 394 291 4,573
USSR (Eu) 6,185 7,069 7,763 43,801 772,239 29,754 137,134 29,376 13,743 8,163 1,049,042
Germany 112 87 112 177 2,150 1,759 2,080 3,175 1,386 8,210 19,136
Netherlands 50 45 36 30 926 1,239 1,170 1,470 646 1,077 6,639
Hungary 63 63 108 180 2,150 1,005 1,100 2,601 9,819 14,324 31,350
Yugoslavia 25 26 7 98 1,894 140 126 322 320 7,661 10,594
Greece 3 8 7 6 121 147 326 514 676 2,131 3,936
UK 594 506 341 318 4,851 7,098 6,171 6,461 1,448 1,907 29,101
Spain 33 20 23 16 242 321 327 406 169 80 1,604
Poland 36 90 94 169 2,765 2,807 6,218 14,706 39,618 106,414 172,881
Czechoslovakia 16 26 15 61 479 462 888 2,754 783 18,788 24,256
France 2,411 1,781 1,836 842 10,443 7,538 5,399 8,050 1,662 3,050 40,601
Romania 50 76 107 330 5,722 14,607 18,418 86,184 32,462 117,950 275,856
Switzerland 85 69 52 71 904 706 634 886 253 131 3,706
Other 6 17 33 12 646 303 252 412 91 1,343 3,109
America/Ocea 3,813 3,437 3,687 21,718 33,367 39,369 45,040 42,400 6,922 3,822 7,754 211,329
Australia/NZL 66 44 53 68 1,017 959 1,275 833 120 119 4,488
Uruguay 73 76 107 105 724 2,014 2,199 1,844 425 66 7,560
Cen Am 91 120 77 102 125 8 104 129 43 17 725
Argentina 293 299 413 9,917 8,886 10,582 13,158 11,701 2,888 904 59,041
USA 2,159 1,809 1,706 1,098 15,480 18,904 20,963 18,671 1,553 1,711 81,895
Brazil 232 226 278 225 1,937 1,763 1,763 2,601 763 304 9,860
Venezuela 134 98 84 62 319 180 245 297 0 0 1,285
Mexico 72 76 56 70 916 993 861 736 168 48 3,924
Paraguay 4 3 6 7 21 62 73 210 42 0 424
Chile 61 56 77 85 521 1,040 1,180 1,790 401 48 5,198
Colombia 142 179 154 54 545 475 552 415 0 0 2,374
Canada 228 210 214 163 1,717 1,867 2,178 2,169 276 236 9,030
Other 258 241 462 94 1,159 522 500 1,125 91 327 4,521
Not known 6 0 3 4 419 469 394 911 3,307 20,014 52,786 78,307

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Messiah brought the first immigrants
  2. ^ Morgenstern, Arie: Hastening Redemption: Messianism and the Resettlement of the Land of Israel Published in Hebrew, 1997, Jerusalem, Ma’or; Published in English, 2006, Oxford University Press
  3. ^ (Russian) Евреи диаспоры в наши дни[dead link] (Jews of diaspora today)
  4. ^ ИСТОРИЯ ИНАКОМЫСЛИЯ В СССР (The History of Dissident Movement in the USSR) by Ludmila Alekseyeva. Vilnius, 1992 [1]
  5. ^ [2][3]
  6. ^ "2002 : le racisme progresse en France, les actes antisémites se multiplient", Le Monde, 28 March, 2003

[edit] Further reading

  • Ben-Gurion, David From Class to Nation: Reflections on the Vocation and Mission of the Labor Movement (Hebrew), Am Oved (1976)

[edit] External links

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