Alice of Namur

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Alice of Namur was the heiress of Namur when her brother Henry IV of Luxembourg died childless in 1196. She was the wife of Baldwin IV Count of Hainault. Her parents were Godfrey I of Namur and Ermesinda the daughter of Conrad I of Luxembourg.

Her children with Baldwin IV of Hainaut were:

  • Yolande (1131 - 1202), wife of Hugh IV Count of St Pol
  • Baldwin (1134 - 1147)
  • Agnes (1142 - 1168)
  • Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147 - 1163)
  • William, married Mahaut de Lalaing
  • Lauretta (1150 - 1181), wife of Bouchard IV Count of Montmorency
  • Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut (1150 - 1195), later Count of Flanders by marriage to Margaret I of Flanders