Ali Mohammed Ghedi

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Ali Mohamed Gedi
Ali Mohammed Ghedi

In office
2004 – 2007
Succeeded by Nur Hassan Hussein

Born 1951
Mogadishu, Somalia
Nationality Somali
Political party TFG
Spouse Fadumo Hassan Ali
Occupation Politician
Religion Sunni Islam

Ali Mohamed Gedi or Mohammed Ali Ghedi (Somali: Maxamed Cali Geeddi) (born 1951) was the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia from 2004 to 2007. He was relatively unknown in political circles upon his appointment as prime minister in November 2004. He is affiliated with the Abgaal subclan of Mogadishu's Hawiye clan, one of Somalia's four most powerful clan 'families'.[1] He narrowly survived a suicide attack on his home that left at least seven people dead on June 3, 2007.[2]


[edit] Siad Barre government

Ghedi's father was a Colonel in the Somali National Security Service (NSS) under the reign of Siad Barre. As a university student Ghedi was brilliant in his studies and he went to Italy for his further studies to the University of Pisa. Gedi even though many would say he wasn't in the political scene, others agree that he was involved somewhat in political conferences in Somalia e.g the one as Baladweyne, Hiraan. Ali Mohammad Ghedi was born in Mogadishu, Somalia in1951. He is from the Abgal subclan Harti Abgal and sub-sub clan Warsaageli. After his mother's divorce,his step mother Hawa R. from Ayr-haber-Gedir clan raised the young Ghedi. His father was a Colonel in the Somali National Security Service (NSS). Gedi completed military service training in the 70s.After completing secondary school at Jamal Abdul Masic Allah in Mogadishu in 1974, he went to veterinary school at the University of Mogadishu and graduated in1978. From 1979-1981 he was in Italy at the University of Pisa on a two-year scholarship. He returned to theUniversity of Mogadishu's Veterinary School and served as assistant lecturer in 1982. He was soon appointed as its Head, and held that post until the collapse of Siad Barre's regime in 1991.

[edit] Transitional Federal Government (TFG)

[edit] Government in Exile

As head of the TFG, Ghedi promised to form an inclusive government, and to strive for reconciliation among Mogadishu's warlords.

After a failed assassination attempt, Ghedi fled to Nairobi, Kenya. On July 2005, he moved to Jowhar, one of two towns (the other being Baidoa) being used as a temporary joint Somali capital.

[edit] Government in Baidoa

Yassir Mohamed will be a new section In March 2006, fighting broke out between the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT) warlords and the Islamic Court Union (ICU) over the control of Mogadishu, which intensified in May.[3] The conflict became known as the Second Battle of Mogadishu. The Prime Minister demanded the warlords, four of whom were members of the TFG government[4], to cease fighting the ICU, but this command was universally ignored and so Ghedi dismissed them from Parliament. These included National Security Minister Mohamed Afrah Qanyare, Commerce Minister Musa Sudi Yalahow, Militia Rehabilitation Minister Issa Botan Alin and Religious Affairs Minister Omar Muhamoud Finnish.[5]

[edit] Return to Mogadishu

During December 2006, the ICU and affiliated Islamist militias suffered crucial defeats by the TFG and Ethiopian armies, who on December 29 entered Mogadishu relatively unopposed. Although Ghedi was jubilantly welcomed to the city, his Ethiopian allies faced angry crowds who pelted Ethiopian troops with rocks. [6]

On January 1, 2007, he announced "The warlord era in Mogadishu is now over."[7] Ghedi's first actions included declaring martial law for three months, calling for the disarmament of the militias, and the appointment of new judges.[8]

[edit] Resignation

Ghedi announced his resignation before parliament in Baidoa on October 29, 2007, due to differences with Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf.[9][10] He remained a member of parliament.[11]

In early January 2008, Ghedi announced that he would run for President in 2009.[11]

Preceded by
Muhammad Abdi Yusuf
Prime Minister of the
Republic of Somalia

November 3, 2004October 29, 2007
Succeeded by
Salim Aliyow Ibrow

[edit] Notes