Ali Esbati

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Ali Esbati
Ali Esbati

Ali Esbati (born September 12, 1976) is a Swedish politician (of the Left Party), and was the chairman of Young Left 2001-2004. As of today he is a handling officer of labour market policies at the Left Party's office of the Riksdag and the chairman of the Left Party's program commission. He is most famous for his blogging; his blog Esbatis Kommentarer is one of the most popular Swedish political blogs.[1][2][3] Esbati currently lives in Norway, where he works for Norwegian magazine Klassekampen.[4] He is also a common contributor to Swedish magazine Flamman. Apart from articles published in these and various other magazines and newspapers and in Esbati's blog, Esbati has also been published in a number of books.[5]

[edit] Biography

Esbati was born in Teheran, Iran and came to Sweden in 1985 with his mother and one younger brother (the father arrived six months later). He grew up in the suburb Tensta, north of Stockholm, and joined Young Left in 1990. After primary school, he attended high school in Tensta and another one, specialized in mathematics, in Danderyd. After graduation he began studying at the Stockholm School of Economics. In 1999-2000 he completed his military service at Televapenkompaniet in Uppland, where he also was trained in Russian.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Rasismer i Europa (2004). Edited by: Etienne Balibar. Published by Agora. Note that this is an anthology and that Esbati contributed one article.
  • Agenda : julafton för allt reaktionärt : bloggtexter 2005-2006 (2006). Edited by: Ali Esbati and Jesper Weithz. Published by Karneval förlag. This publication is a colletion of articles from Esbati's blog.
  • Kuba på riktigt (2007). Edited by: Ali Esbati and Daniel Suhonen. Published by Murbruk förlag. Note that this is an anthology and that is as such contains articles by several authors.

[edit] References
