User talk:Alfredo17

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I am looking for some one that can help me. I wrote an application in JAVA. I used Eclipse when I run my application works fine and the commnunication with Oracle Database works fine. However when I create I jar file (jar file works as an executable file) and I run using the command promtp: java -jar, it gives the follow message: Apr 24, 2007 4:21:35 PM psas.NameDataAccessor <init> SEVERE: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

       at psas.NameDataAccessor.getItemToComboxBox(
       at psas.NamePanelPSS.<init>(
       at psas.MainFramePSS.<init>(
       at psas.MainPSS.main(

Some one could help me, I will appreciate.

Thanks in advance.