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Professor Alfonse Javed, was born in a Christian family of Lahore, Pakistan on July 12,1980. He worked hard through out to acheive his target. Through out his education carrier he got scholarships to go to school. He has degrees in Art, Science, Theology, Religion, Business and currently he is working on his Doctorate in Education.The following is his article are Islam and Christianity:Alfonse Javed Subject:Worldview Integration Islam: Islam also known as religion of Arabia. It worldview of Mohamamrism is based on five pillors. Imaan: Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad; Namaz: Establishment of the daily prayers;, Zakah: The literal and simple meaning of Zakah is purity. The technical meaning of the word designates the annual amount in kind or coin which a Muslim with means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries. But the religious and spiritual significance of Zakah is much deeper and more lively. So is its humanitarian and sociopolitical value. According to Islamic belief the Qur’anic word Zakah and the meaning it conveys, there is no equivalent in any other language as far as we know. It is not just a form of charity or alms-giving or tax or tithe. Nor is it simply an expression of kindness; it is all of these combined and much more. It is not merely a deduction of a certain percentage from one's property, but an abundant enrichment and spiritual investment. It is not simply a voluntary contribution to someone or some cause, nor a government tax that a shrewd clever person can get away with. Rather, it is a duty enjoined by God and undertaken by Muslims in the interest of society as a whole. The Qur’anic word Zakah not only includes charity, alms, tithe, kindness, official tax, voluntary contributions, etc., but it also combines with all these God-mindedness and spiritual as well as moral motives. That is why there can be no equivalent to the word Zakah because of the supreme originality of the Qur’an, the Divine Book of God. Roza: Daily fasts begin at dawn and end with sunset. Special nightly prayers called, Taraweeh prayers are held. The entire Quran is recited in these prayers in Mosques all around the world. This month provides an opportunity for Muslims to get closer to God. This is a month when a Muslim should try to: See not what displeases Allah , Speak no evil, Hear no evil, Do no evil, Look to Allah with fear and hope. Hajj: Pilgrimage is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those Muslims who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey. It is also a form of worship that involves the entire being: body, mind and soul. Islam has also shown us the zeal of the Arab to survive in its doctrine of Jihad, or holy war. Some have called Jihad the sixth pillar of Islam, but this trait of the Arabs, which was plagiarized by Muhammed in 625 AD as a doctrine of Islam, was prophesied by Jehovah in 2500 BC to Hagar. The Islamic view of Jihad is very different from rest of worldview, it is a holy war. Stephen Van Nattan writes in his book ALLAH, WHO IS HE? that Arabs are "wild" in that they cannot be tamed. To many ancient and modern Arabs, war and fighting is good recreation. It may be fierce in the morning, and by evening all participants will sit down to coffee. We in the white race could learn to get over our wars so quickly. Of course, the Saladins and Osama bin Ladens of the ages make it easy to tag Arabs with a violent nature, but this Bible text is not speaking of that. Arabs even find ways to go to war without really trying to kill anyone. (FOOTNOTE 7: 103 / 18-19 / 1684) Those who have studied the Middle East know that an Arab can be very loyal to his friends and show gracious hospitality in a way unknown in the West, but don't try to overpower him or subject him. You will suffer for it, even if his grandson has to even the score many years later. World leaders who wage war on Arabs must be very careful from then on for double crossing Saddam Hussein, Ghadaffi, and other Arab leaders. Even as the US caught Saddam Hussein, his followers were killing US soldiers in the streets by stealth, and this will never end. Ishmael was the untamable father of this "wild" trait that Arabs have guarded for 3000 years. In our judgment of "wild" Arabs, let us not forget our jolly Anglo Saxon history. Our forefathers were not always quite as gentle as the Oxford club would have us to believe! Koran is the holy book of Muslims and consider as the authority for all spiritual, economical, ethical and social problems. It opens with a creed of faith . “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help. Keep us on the right path. The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.” And after the Koran Al Hadith of Muhammed is the second authority. Those issue which are not addressed in Koran are discussed in Al Hadith. According to Waqf Ikhlas publication in Turkey, the food of the spirit is religion. An atheist is like a man without a head. Just as it is necessary for a body to take breath, to eat and drink, similarly, the spirit is in need of religion so that it will be noble, pure and peaceful. There is no difference between an atheist and a machine or an animal. There is no greater means than religion to enable a man to know Allah; to prevent him from doing evil things; to guide him; to cause him to have intellectual peace; to console him in hard times; to give him power, material or moral; to make him gain respect, honor, prestige, and friendship in a society; and to protect him from the Hell-fire, which is eternal. Unfortunately, in the hands of unscrupulous and treacherous men, religion has frequently been used only to perpetuate self interest. Whereas, in truth, religion is the only way of knowing Allahu ta'ala and of obtaining His mercy. Al Koran, Sura 3:26 says, O Allah! Owner of sovereignty! Thou givest sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and thou withdrawest sovereignty from whom Thou wilt." Islam claimed to be the religion of peace, reasonable, and practical; and free from priest craft and being considered by today’s non-Muslims that Islam is a mystical cult abounding in dogmas, superstitions and ritual dances. They claim, It is a way of life for the social, moral and spiritual development of humanity. It does not demand of a man to surrender his reasoning faculties nor does it demand a blind faith in obscure and inexplicable mysteries. It teaches the purest form of Monotheism and regards Polytheism as an unpardonable sin. Koran, Sura 4:30-31, Whoso doeth that (evil deeds) through aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into Fire, and that is ever easy for Allah. If ye avoid the great (things) which ye are forbidden, We will remit from you your evil deeds and make you enter at a noble gate. There are two types of sin, major and minor.

Where Christianity hold a faith of Grace, that man has nothing to do with salvation, it is a free gift of God and we just need to talk it with faith. I believe there are some points which are very crucial to know for anyone who want to know about both Christianity and Islam. Jihad is passon for religion, faith and salvation, it could be done spiritually or physically. Christianity believe in Spiritual being important than physical being. Therefore our fight is not againt the principalities of this world but with the spiritual forces of darkness. Now if some one want to go out and start killing people thinking this is the right way to abolish the sinner in order to purify the land or planet earth...its call terrorism. Muslims have taken the meaning of Jihad litterally and want to fight against the principalities which put them down before other eyes.