Alfred Beit

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Alfred Beit (15 February 1853-16 July 1906) was a British South African gold and diamond magnate and supporter of British imperialism in Southern Africa.[1]

Alfred Beit by Giovanni Boldini
Alfred Beit
by Giovanni Boldini


[edit] Life and career

Born in Hamburg, Germany the eldest son and second of six children, into the Jewish family[2] of an affluent Hamburg trader. He was an unpromising scholar and was apprenticed to Jules Porgès & Cie, the Amsterdam diamond firm. He was sent to the Cape Colony in 1875 by his firm to buy diamonds - following the diamond strike at Kimberley. Having become a business friend of Cecil Rhodes, they proceeded to buy out digging ventures and to eliminate opposition such as Barney Barnato. He rapidly became one of a group of financiers who gained control of the diamond-mining claims in the Central, Dutoitspan, and De Beers mines. Rhodes was the active politician and Beit provided a lot of the planning and financial backing.

In 1886 Beit extended his interests to the newly-discovered goldfields of the Witwatersrand and met with great success. In his business ventures there he made use of financiers Hermann Eckstein and JB Robinson. He founded the Robertson Syndicate and the firm of Wernher, Beit & Co. He imported mining engineers from the USA and was among the first to adopt deep-level mining. Rhodes concluded a treaty with Lobengula as a result of which Beit founded the British South Africa Company in 1888. Beit became life-governor of De Beers and also a director of numerous other companies such as Rand Mines, Rhodesia Railways and the Beira Railway Company.

In 1888 Beit moved to London whence he felt he was better able to manage his financial empire and support Rhodes in his Southern African ambitions. Beit moved into Tewin Water, near Welwyn, a large Regency house with Victorian additions and 7,000 acres (28 km²), and a few miles away Julius Wernher at last bought Luton Hoo, with 5,218 acres (21.1 km²).

Inspired by Rhodes' imperialist vision, he took part in the planning and financing of the unsuccessful Jameson Raid of late 1895 which was intended to trigger a coup in the South African Republic in the Transvaal. As a result of this debacle, Rhodes resigned as Prime Minister, and both he and Beit were found guilty by the House of Commons inquiry. Beit was obliged to resign as director of the Charter Company, but was elected vice-president of the British South Africa Company a few years later. With the death of Rhodes in 1902, Beit, as one of the trustees, helped control the enormous estate.

Mrs Laura Beit (Alfred and Otto Beit's mother) by Leopold von Kalckreuth
Mrs Laura Beit (Alfred and Otto Beit's mother)
by Leopold von Kalckreuth

[edit] The Beit Trust

In his will he set up the Beit Trust through which he bequeathed large sums of money for infrastructure development the central and Southern Africa, in university education and research in South Africa, Rhodesia (£1,200,000), Britain and Germany. In recognition of these bequests the Royal School of Mines, a faculty of Imperial College London, erected a large memorial to Beit flanking the entrance to its building.

Beit died at Tewin Water near Tewin, Hertfordshire on 16 July 1906 after seeing a rapid deterioration in his health.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911 Edition.
  2. ^ British Dictionary of National Biography
 Imperial College, London
Imperial College, London